May 19, 2011

Something Nutty Happened At World Headquarters...

A lovely pastime that Buttonwillow and I share is watching birds through the windows at Susan Faye World Headquarters. However, recently it came to my attention that the bird feeders were mysteriously emptying at record rates. Buttonwillow soon spotted the reason why:

Not to be outwitted by our new visitor, Mr. Nutkin, I decided to leave the feeders empty for a few days, hoping to find a way to squirrel-proof my feeders. It was several days later that Buttonwillow and I heard a loud {thump} against the glass window in the sunroom, where the front door is. I was fearful that a bird had flown into the window and Buttonwillow and I both ran towards the sound. This is what we saw:
Mr. Nutkin had come a-knockin' and he was not pleased.

Fearless, he looked straight at me through the window and sent a telepathic message.

This is what he said: "I can see you in there and I know you're holding out on me. Bring out the seeds NOW and nobody gets hurt." I was a little surprised and a bit alarmed. I backed away from the window slowly. Undaunted, Mr. Nutkin jumped over to the other window where Buttonwillow sat.

Here is the telepathic conversation that ensued:
"Tell the lady to hand over the seeds."
"What are seeds?"
"Don't play dumb with me, sister. Hand them over or I'm coming in."
"Please do. I'd love to have you for dinner."
"Oh yeah, you and what cat army?"

With that, Mr. Nutkin disappeared with a hop and a skip, no doubt to find reinforcements in his quest to find a way to get inside. Just as a precautionary measure, I've locked the birdseed in the safe and I'm sleeping with one eye open.

Does anyone out there have any advice on squirrel-proofing your bird feeders

We anxiously await your tips.


Anonymous said...

Our neighbor gave up on proofing the bird feeders so she set up a separate area to feed the squirrels. I don't know about your squirrels but in the last place we lived there was one evil squirrel who used to taunt us and make fun of us. We no like squirrels.

Unknown said...

Dear Flock O' Fuzzies, thank you for your tip. We might have to resort to a squirrel-feeding zone. They certainly have a lot of attitude, those little varmints. Enjoyed visiting your blog, BTW!

Julie Vozobule said...

I happen to love squirrels. They are so much fun to watch. The wild things they do to get to food is the best. We had one that had lost its tail and it was amazing how he was able to balance on just about anything. Although he did use to tease my cat by sitting outside the sliding glass door in our kitchen. Needless to say Corey had many a headache from running into the window:)

Hope said...

My grandpa used to feed the squirrels on his front porch. He would put pecans in the loops and pockets of his overalls and sit very still. the squirrels would climb all over him, picking his pockets for their treats!

Unknown said...

That is one fat, demanding little squirrel! We always just kept putting more seeds out - all the little critters have to eat. :) And Peter loves his nip ravioli - he just had to get it away from Aggie!

~ ~ Ahrisha ~ ~ said...

Thats too funny. Yup, we have squirrels too and theyb love the sun flower seeds. We put corn out but they won't eat it unless they are starved.

Birdie said...

I am new here and but can't remember if I have posted a comment or not.

That is one crazy squirrel! Next thing you will be moving over in your bed so it can sleep with you. I live in the city (but moving to a more rural area) and never see squirrels. I think I would like to have one visiting my yard but yes, stay out of the bird feeders!

Guatyen said...

this post is so funny i couldn't help laughing all the way till the end. but erm on a serious note, sorry that mr. nutkin is being such a naughty neighbour. (giggles). but i do hope you'll find a solution soon.

Saskia said...

Thanks for sharing those great, cute photos!!!! :)

Peanuts Creations Crochet said...

You have made my day...this has me laughing out loud!! You have a real give for writing. We too have the Mr Nutkin problem although ours don't come right up to the window and demand food!
We have never found anything that they haven't been able to figure a way around...

Aimee Jeffries said...

LOL!! Yes, through much experimentation. Mount the bird feeder atop of a thick metal pipe for the pole, with a squirrel baffle under the feeder. You may have to alter the hole to fit around it. The pole is thick enough they can't get a good grip to climb. The rare "husky" squirrel can manage, and try to chew through the baffle. Somehow hubby thinks Tobasco sauce on the under side discourages this (I have nooo idea how he would know such a thing!) They still knock on the back door peering in watching us eat breakfast, and usually get something, but they leave the bird feeder alone. ;)