July 14, 2009

Cat Lady No. 193...Fun and Games July Giveaway

Black Cat Licorice loves to be carried around by Cat Lady Alex.

Licorice also loves Christmas. His favorite holiday activity is pulling little candles off the Christmas tree and then batting them around the floor (unlit of course!). Every year the Cat Lady finds candles in the strangest places, such as under the refrigerator and in the sliding glass door track. Licorice will sit patiently next to the tree waiting for the Cat Lady to put the candles back on the branches so he can--what else-- pull them off all over again!

Does your cat have a favorite game?

If so, please share it with us in the comments section below and you will be entered to win a fabulous Cat Lady prize. Contest ends the evening of July 31, and not one, but THREE lucky Cat Ladies (or Lads!) will each win one of my new Peaceable Kingdom matted prints (your choice of text or no text) suitable for framing. Names will be drawn at random. Please make sure that I have a way to contact you if you are a winner such as a link to your blog or e-mail address, or contact me directly at my e-mail with your info...Also, if you encounter trouble with the Comments feature, you may send your entry by e-mail by clicking "view my complete profile" at the end of "About Me" where you will find an e-mail link...

Thanks for visiting!


Laura said...

My youngest kitty, Newman, loves to play a foot game with his Daddy. He hides inside his favorite S-shaped lounger, and when Daddy comes out of the bathroom, Newman tries to grab his feet as he goes by. He only plays it with Daddy! I love the print I bought from your Etsy shop! Thanks for the giveaway.

Buddha Gyrl said...

My cat mew likes to play peek a boo under the bed-skirt. He runs the perimeter of the bed and pops out in different areas as he makes the circuit hoping to find a human there. If you see him when he pops out, he flops over for a belly rub then slides back under the bed-skirt and continues the route, purring to beat the band the entire time!

sinatracat said...

My 12-yr old tuxedo cat, Macaroni loves to play fetch. He will go find one of his pipecleaners and bring it to me. I will throw it and he will jump in mid-air and catch the pipeclaner and return it tome. This can go one for minutes. If, I don't immediately throw the pipecleaner, then he jumps in my lap and drops the pipecleaner.

Chrissie said...

Angus is a champ at Shanghai from the Shadows-he'll lie in wait, invisible, silent. Then, as you pass by his lair, he'll SPRING! Forepaws aloft, all 14 front toes spread for maximum contact, and GOTCHA! Right on the back of the legs. Then, sit down and listen to the squeals! Rewind and repeat!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Both of us love playing in boxes and paper sacks! After that we love our catnip mice and our special catnip carrot!

Anonymous said...

A number of our kitties love the various wands we have. However, far TOO many of our babies like the "Toe Attack Game". This ganme is best played when Mommy or Daddy are not quite awake in the early morning. The kitties wait for that moment when the human foot slides so temptingly under the sheets/covers. Those toes MUST be stopped! The plan of attack is there is none! Just GRAB that toe or toes with claws out, dig in, holding on for dear life and then BITE the big toe with every ounce of strength a kitty has! This is a REALLY fun game, but tragically doesn't last too long as human skin is way too thin and starts to bleed through the sheets. Bummer!

Rita-Anne Provenzano said...

All of our kitties love to play with wands, but the favorite game is "Toe Attack"!
This game is best played when Mommy and Daddy are not quite awake early in the morning. The object is to attack the foot as it slides temptingly under the covers. Strikes must be fierce and quick, grabbing the foot with claws extended. One must 'dig in' and hold on for dear life, while bearing down on the big toe with great strength. Please note that "Toe Attack' doesn't last very long as human skin tends to break easily and bleed through the sheets!

kim warehime said...

Wow! That is really pretty!We have 18 kitties in our family and we all live inside. We all are fixed and we all go to the vets regularly. I guess you could say our Meowmy is a CRAZY CAT LADY !
She would love to have that for our "cat room".

Skeezix the Cat said...

My faverite game is to have Mr Tasty Face play the string with me. He drags it underneeth this little Perzhun carpet in the living room, and win I see it I do a slide-n-dive under the rug to git it, kinda like a baseball player sliding into home. Then I wate under the rug fur my big bruther Mao to come by and then I pownse on him!!!!

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

Charmee loves to play a game with Mom called "Taco Press" where Charmee vaults from the countertop to the refrigerator top to the catwalk above the kitchen cabinets an' Mom climbs up onto the countertop with the taco press (those tong-things that you use to fry crunchy taco shells) an' tries to squish (gently, of course) Charmee's tail an' paws. He LOVES this game an' gets totally 'xcited when Mom is lurking near the counters ... hee, hee.
DMM of DaisyMae Maus and the Feline Americans

Ann Marie said...

I don't know that Dexter has an actual game that is his favorite. He loves his furry mice and certainly anything with a bit o' nip in it and he just got a Turbo Trac that he's learning (I think it's the figure 8 that's confusing him). But his most favorite thing is sit and watch the birds and run from one window to the other trying to get the best view of them. He will wake us up at 7am just to get his windows opened so that he can hear them and chatter at them.

Motor Home Cats said...

I have 4 cats, and they all have different favorite games. Tavi, my 16-year-old Tonkinese, loves to play with pens and random twisty ties as well as string games. My two middle cats - Cody and Jade are both around 11 and their favorite game is to hide from the youngest cat. Gracie is new to the family and is about a year old. She has 2 favorite games - bed monster and Thundering herd of Elephants.


Unknown said...

My 4-yr-old, Marley, loves to play fetch with various small toys easy for him to pick up and carry, like stuffed mice. He gets especially excited if the toys is thrown in a direction in which he must leap over furniture or slide to a stop on a rug in order to capture and retrieve it. My 10-yr-old, Julius, likes to chase and catch flies, or "bunny kick" his catnip "kitty kicker" when he gets a wild hair. He also has a favorite wand toy with ribbons and bells.

Lee said...

It's morning, I'm making the coffee. Not quite awake, and fumbling for the coffee filter, I pan to my right, and there she waits, tall, stark white with her cheshire green/amber eyes, subtly blinking at me and I know what she wants, no, not her breakfast, not yet, she wants what's in the kitchen drawer. I look at her, we communicate and she's waiting, patiently. I slowly open the kitchen draw, she knows the sound very well, since she could fit in the palm of my hand, I get her prized possession, not a toy mouse, her most favorite thing in the world, I take it out, put it on the kitchen counter, Oh is she ready, I position the plastic ring from the milk container and Flick it out over her head!! She catapults, whacks it hard and volley's it back onto to the kitchen floor, YIKES, I pick it up with my toe and flip it right at her, she's on it better than the NY Rangers going for the goal! Ah, another awesome morning with my Midgey girl, I giggle, drink my coffee, she eats her breakfast, content, we're ready for the day!

Anonymous said...

Doole is 30lb Hemi and not fat just big, he is very big and loving even to my little grandchild. He loves to play with all his toys and bugs through the windows, laser light is the coolest. and every time he wants a treat or food bowl up higher he will come to call with a tap and little hiss and start up the hall - if you if not come he will sit and wait and start all over again. His favorite game though is chasing the laser lite or grabbing toes through the bedsheets

kitty said...

3 of our cats - Harry, Allie and Murray love to play chase with the Sophie our dog.

They run from one end of the house to the other and if Sophie stops, they all just leap over her. She's a Shih Tzu, so they're all about the same size.

8GR8CATS said...

Our favorite game is called Cat Food Hockey! We PURRtend we are the Buffalo Sabres! Our PURRson Carm shoots one of our Kibbles at us. Candy is the goalie and if she makes the save she eats the kibble-puck. If one of the other cats intercepts it- we eat it! If our PURRson gets it past all of us- we give her hugs and kisses after the game!

Anonymous said...

My kitty Pumpkin likes to run from the living room and jump on the carpet in the kitchen and then she "rides" it from one end of the kitchen to the other!

Morgan the Pirate Gato said...

Lakoda is obsessed with furry mice. He will play catch with his Dad for hours! The other day he stuck in the guest room when I went in to get something. I keep the Morgans Beds in there, along with toys I like to send as a surprise with them.

Lakoda's sister Apache kept coming in the kitchen with new mice, batting them, and leaving again.

I finally went back down the hall where I found a white paw under the door, and 12 furry mice in the hallway!

When I opened the door there were furry mice scattered all over the room!

Gotta love that silly boy!

PDX pride said...

Skylar loves to play "tails" with the other cats. He'll sit down or lie down in front of them and wag his tail in their face, daring them to bat at it. He'll twitch it just right, so that they HAVE to bat it, then he'll pull it away to twitch it again. He especially loves playing tails with the foster kittens!

tonklady said...

Marina's favorite game is hide and seek. She will climb on top of the fridge. I will say boo then hide around a corner. She will try to stretch around to find me. Other times I will say boo then duck down in front of the fridge and she will stretch to find me.

Tosca's favorite game is fetch. She will fetch for up to an hour when motivated. Pipe cleaners are her favorite toy. If she isn't playing fetch with them, she is bathing them in her water dish.

Buckwheat Snapp said...

One of William's favorite games is called the Peepul Chase. Our house has a long hallway and many corners to hide behind and peek around. My hubby or I will run through the house and hide behind a corner and just peek out with one eye. Willie will run down the hall and jump up the wall at us. Then we run the other way down the hall and hide behind another wall, peek out and Willie comes running and jumps up the wall at us again. This can go on for quite awhile. Another element that adds even more fun is when a Moth comes in the house. The game is similar in that Willie runs around chasing the moth and jumping up the walls to get them. The moth game involves a lot of mrowing, especially when the moth is out of reach. Both games are equally hilarious, considering he can jump over 4 feet up the wall.

PPB said...

Kitty Ollie Popoki likes to "hide" under a table which is covered with a cloth that falls to the floor. The only thing is, as long as her head is under the table, leaving her hind quarters or sometimes just her tail, she thinks she is out of sight. When we call her name, we can see her tail moving, which we believe is her sign of being proud of not being found!

Unknown said...

When "the boys" were younger, they loved to chase the laser mouse - it was actually a laser light shaped like a mouse. Now that Trevor is an "old man", he likes to play "sleep like a log". He is trying for the the world championship!

Amy Sisson said...

Oh my! With so many cats to choose from, how do I pick a favorite game? Well, one of them is for our girl RaeAnn -- we play "RaeRae in the Middle" with her. We sit cross-legged on the floor about 10-12 feet apart, and throw a toy mouse back and forth, throwing it quite high. She leaps like a frisbee dog! It's great exercise for her.

(Another one is to try to get Pixel to do somersaults. We drag a toy on a string away from him; he chases and when he catches it, his front end stops but his back end doesn't, so he literally tucks his head under and does a somersault.)

ctsheehy said...

Miss Nina's best game is Mousie Toss. She brings one of her fur mice to a random human, we toss it,she chases it and then bats it around a while. Eventually Nina brings it back to the bean, and the whole thing starts again... We tire of the game long before Nina does! Add Catnip to the mix and she can go on for an hour...

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Both my kitties love to play lollipop. They have several round lollipops - like a tootsie pop- that they bop and whop all over the house and then cry for me to retrieve from under some piece of furniture (stove, refrigerator, washer)

cheenna said...

Love the print ... it is so kewl ;-)
My furbabies love to play "get it" ... I have a stick with a string on it and tied to string are some streamers and bells that I drag around and raise up and down and they jump/chase it!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Hide and beat...like hide and seek only when we find da other kitty dey bop us on da head and run off.

Kimo and Sabi said...

We like playing Hide-and-Seek. We hide in closets, under beds, behind couches . . . and our humans try to find us. It provides HOURS of fun (well, at least for us - and we get in some good napping too).

Nutamu said...

The 4 rescued kittens (from same litter) love playing a game I called Kibble Flick.
Basically I grab a small handful of kibble out of a nearby dish and flick out, one at a time, a piece of kibble. They run after it, sometimes batting it around before gulping it down. Not only do they get to play and chase, they can eat what they catch! If one wants to play then others will hear me grabbing the kibble and all will join in.

My Toby and Lokki however love pranking me. Toby has it mastered and has been teaching Lokki. Toby will knock (oh yeah with his paw) at the door or meow and then run and hide. I'll get to the door and no one will be there. Sometimes though I can spot him hiding at the end of the hall watching me be fooled. As soon as he relizes he's spotted he ducks into a room. lol

ladycat said...

With five cats each has it's own game. The oldest loves to play attack the stick under the rug as it pokes out. The youngest taught herself to retrieve crumpled paper balls. We say "get ready" and she runs about eight feet from us and we throw the paper ball. She jumps and catches it, she does miss at times, then brings it back and we do it all over again and again and again. No treats needed just a big hug and kisses is all she wants. Can't help but love them all, I certainly am hooked.

Anonymous said...

My big kitty, Gismo, likes to play with those little plastic seal-thingies that come off milk gallons, when you first open them. He will go nuts and play forever, usually until they vanish under the fridge or washer. it is about the only thing that will get him to act like a little kitten again. My little kitty, Annie, loves a little tiny stuffed animal goat on a string. it is her favorite. she will even pretend its moving and attack it or try to make us come play with her.

Robyn and The (Mostly) Badass Cat said...

Sanjee likes to play "Attack of the Killer Bedcovers". She hides under the bedspread or sheet during the day, trying to get as close to the pillows as possible so you can't tell she's there. Then if you walk too close to the bed or sit on it, the bedcovers (with a little help from Sanjee) attack with fierce claws. Sanjee seems to think it's the most fun when no one realizes she's there. I guess the shrieks are more realistic then. hehe

beachnvallegirl said...

I have two kitties. Little Baby Kitty play a fun game where she hides her face in Daddy's shoe. She thinks we can't see her. She jumps out to get us or her long tail toy. It is quite amusing. We have nicknamed her Rocket J. Squirrel as she also is a great climber and when she jumps down looks like she is flying.

Our other cat, Big Kitty plays a mean game of fetch. Throw her mousie and she goes after it like no tomorrow and returns it right to your feet for another throw.

We love to play with them both.

I think this giveaway is most generous and think this print would look fabulous in my home.

Thank you

Tookatyhoo@yahoo.com said...

Ohai! My three kittens Pesky, Moe and Tilly like to play dinosaur. When they are a tyranomous Rex they favor a frontal shin assault. Ferocousiraptor mode is stalking and herding any visitors until they are in position for capturing of both ankles while the third one goes for the tummy. Pterrordactil mode involves leaping off of high surfaces onto shoulders or tummys. Ginormous Rex involves landing in the middle of the dinner table while the other two make an end run on whatever is on our plates. There is the saberismouth tiger which involves toe, finger or nose chewing in bed at 3 in the morning. And finally, my favorite, stegosaurimoise involves hiding themselves or their toys in peoples briefcases backpacks or purses and trying to visit other lands. They say it is easier than trying to dig to China. Anybody want 3 kittens? Just kidding ..... I would trade them for all the tea in China.

Heidi said...

The wee rat tailed wonder, Zoe Rose, her favorite game is getting mom or dad to do what she wants NOW! This is accomplished in a number of ways, threatening to jump up on the television being quite frequent. The most blatant is to sit on the counter - look at us - look at the counter, and then smack whatever is within paw reach - sending it flying off across the kitchen. Then she sits there again looking at us, so smug!

@parrisreddog said...

My kitty's favorite game is a combination of hide n seek, and tag. He likes to hide somewhere, and wait for you (or our other cat) to come by and them he jumps out and attacks you! Then he runs! He will do this over and over in different places. Sometimes you expect it, but sometimes he scares you silly! Either way, it's so much fun to watch him having fun!

cathugger.com said...

Well, this morning i came upstairs to find my beautiful jade tree out of its planter and lying on its side on the rug.
Bad, bad kitties!! They are like a pack of wild things in the night.
This is a new game!
i guess the Archangel Crew has taken up indoor gardening!

GA said...

Freckles is 16 but LOVES playing with a fishing pole toy with a long fleece string. She spins around and snaps at it with her gums (no teeth left) like she's a kitten again. Once she's done she goes back to being an old lady again. You can see her in mid swirl on her Catster page http://www.catster.com/cats/922360

High On Craft said...

My cat Chablis likes to play "escape from alCATraz" ;)

Being an indoor cat with limited and closely monitored outdoor recreation time, she tries her best to flee through the front door whenever we return home. With the closing of the car doors and the sound of the key in the lock as her cue, she skulks by the door and needs only the slightest opening to squeeze herself through to the freedom of the front porch. When she succeeds she rewards herself by rubbing her face on and rolling around on the concrete of the front steps. With so many dogs in the neighbourhood she is smart enough to never venture farther than that!

Unknown said...

Sal's Girl ran into a little glitch with the Comments feature so she e-mailed her entry: "My black and white cat--Fast Edie--loves to play Sheet Sharks. She hides under the sheet and we pat her and she chases our hands or we hide our hands under the sheets and she chases them!" Thanks for participating!

Megan said...

Mr Pooh's favourite game is played on his cat stand, which has two levels. He lies on the lower, larger level, one set of claws dug into the scratching pole. I sneak a ruler across the top of the upper, smaller level and when it peeks over the edge, he tries to grab it with his free paw. Constant movement on the part of both players is essential. Once momentum builds, the ruler moves around all four edges of the upper level, with Mr Pooh whirling around on the lower level using one paw to hold on to the scratching pole and his back legs kicking against it to move him around. My beautiful, affectionate, cuddly companion turns into a highly skilled and rather vicious hunter - even if it's only a ruler he's trying to catch.

missbreezysbox said...

My cat Harley loves to play hide n seek with me. I'm the hider and he seeks. I have only whatever running start that I can get to ditch him as quick as possible. When he finds me, he then runs after me to get his treat. I reward him for a good game.

You can find me here:

OR here:

Linda Kish said...

Mostly my cats like to play chase each other in the middle of the night, however, one cat (the mom) attacks my feet while I sleep and I wake up with scratches all over even through the covers.


Anonymous said...

I have 7 cats,but the funniest ones are my three black kittens - Kuri,Shyster,and Shadow. They have a toy with two rings inside it with a ball in each ring. All three of them gather around it and hit the balls back and forth to each other. They hit it so hard they actually move the game from room to room in the house. They never play with it by themselves, only with each other! It's as if they can read each other's minds and they all run into the room at the same time and start playing! They are too funny. They each have a certain place that each one lays around the toy and they take turns, just like kids do. They will play with it for 15 min. and then run off all together. They also like to hide my tennis shoes and boots. They are very good at it. I am still looking for one boot, and a long lighter to light the gas heaters with. Eventually, they will bring them to me - just like they like to bring me mice and moles! But by far their favorite game is the ball in the ring. It just amazes me how they take turns and won't play with it unless all three are doing it. My other 4 cats won't have anything to do with it. They will sit and watch them, but never try to play with them. Oh, yes their posture is so funny when they play. They lay down like they are going to attack something the whole time they are playing! It is so precious and funny to watch. They are 7 months and solid black.