It's been a tad hectic here at World Headquarters. We've been working day and night in the workshop finishing paintings and filling orders, and at Buttonwillow's suggestion, I used toaster waffles and chocolate as bait to lure a couple elves into helping us. In just the last three days we've shipped 50 packages. In the past weeks we've sent parcels as far away as Norway, Brazil, Australia, Nova Scotia, Great Britain, and even Turkey!
In fact, it's been so busy around here that occasionally a small bicolor cat can get lost in the shuffle.
That's where telepathy comes in.
Here is a photo of Buttonwillow sending me a telepathic message.
Can you guess what she is saying?
Allow me to translate.
She is saying, "Whatsa girl gotta do around here to get some attention?"
Distracted, I ignore her.
Now she is saying, "Sheesh. Do I have to spell it out for you?"
"Here. Allow me to open the cupboard for you. {{Damn, I hope Santa brings me some opposable thumbs for Christmas}}."
Just where did she learn language like that? Santa might bring her coal instead.
"Okay, are you getting the idea now?"
"No? Now I'm POINTING to the one I want."
Still no response from the slow-moving simian-like creature.
Buttonwillow (still speaking telepathically) says, "Oh you poor addled thing. If it's going to help move things along here, I'll even get it out of the cupboard for you..."
"...and I'll remind you where the food dish is, in case you've forgotten. Just follow me."

Is your favorite feline staring at you right now? No doubt telepathy is at work. What message is your cat sending to you? Share it in the comments section below, and your name will be thrown in the hat for a chance to win one of FIVE giveaway prizes! Entries may also be left on my Facebook post--only one entry per person will count, however. Giveaway ends Sunday, December 19 at midnight, when five names will be drawn at random to win one of these 5 prizes:

A lavender tabletop pomander, a deluxe bookmark, a "birdbrain" glass pendant, glass dangle earrings, or a catnip ravioli toy.

Please make sure that I have a way to contact you in case you are the lucky winner, such as a link to your blog or e-mail address included in your comment. Also, if you encounter trouble with the Comments feature, please contact me by e-mail --you'll find a link under my Profile.
(And don't forget to enter my other giveaway going on over at The Conscious Cat where the winner gets his/her choice of ANY wearable art glass pendant from my Etsy shop!)
Thanks for participating!!