July 13, 2011

A Rainbow of Favorite Colors... What's Yours?

Violet, plum, moss, sapphire, eggplant, mimosa, watermelon, orchid...I'm loving the beautiful and creative descriptions of favorite colors that readers have shared in the Lavenderlicious Giveaway! Here are just a few:

K said: "The only way I can describe my favorite color is 'that green you only get in the early spring'. It's a high cool green, almost bordering on a yellow and full of light. In the first months after leafing, the picture window in my living room is filled with it. Coming as it does at the end of the long, cold northern Michigan winter, I think of it as 'hope green'."

Cyndi said...Buttery yellow. I just painted our new kitchen that color. My husband even compared the walls to an actual stick of butter. Yes, buttery yellow! It makes me happy. :)

skkorman said...My favorite color is emerald green, the exact color of my beautiful red tabby Joey's eyes!

Marija said...My favorite color is the blue of a crystal clear lake on a calm day- crisp, bold, and shimmery.

Alyssa said: My favorite color... hm...I love the kind of teal/navy blue of the sky right at Dusk. It's so incredibly gorgeous! But then I also love the salmon-y, purple-ish of the sky when the sun is setting. The sky is my favorite place to look for color inspiration.

Visit this post to read the rest of the entries in the Comments section, then add your own for a chance to win one of two prize packages: Lavenderlicious Giveaway. Giveaway ends the evening of July 17.

Thanks for participating!

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