July 12, 2011

Brotherly Love... The Fluffy Kind

Many fabulous felines will capture the heart of a Cat Lady during one lifetime, but her very first cat usually holds a very special place in her heart. Such is the case with Canadian Cat Lady Martine who shares her story about two special brothers:

In February of 1993 she and her college roommate adopted two cat siblings and named them Sable and Chipper. "She was the one who wanted them, but I soon fell in love and was hooked! I was the one who kept them when we went our separate ways. I have other cats, but none will ever take the place of my very first special babies...

"People had a hard time believing that Sable and Chipper were brothers, as they looked so different from one another! Sable was gorgeous! He looked exactly like a Birman, except for the white on his face, which to me, made him even cuter and unique! He was also the SOFTEST cat I've ever seen, truly!

He was a shy cat around strangers, but was very loving and affectionate with his mommy. People were always surprised to find out that he was dominant over Chipper, as Chipper was much more social and outgoing with people. They were the best of friends, always snuggling and licking each other. Unfortunately, Sable was diagnosed with a serious case of chronic renal failure fairly young, at 7.5 years. He was very sick for the first 4 months and it was touch and go. But things got better, and with treatments, he lived comfortably for another 3 years before I had to let him go.

Chipper looked like a Maine Coon, but was much smaller, as he never weighed more than 10 pounds. Chipper got his name because he was such a happy cat! He loved everybody and truly was the sweetest cat around! Even the vets couldn't believe how nice he was during his visits! He loved to lay on my outstretched legs when I was on the couch. You didn't even have time to get comfortable that Chipper was already trying to climb on you! His other quirk was that he was addicted to plastic! He had an uncanny sense of smell for plastic bags, and could find them anywhere. He would quickly chew them out and actually eat them if I wasn't careful enough! So I've lived 18 years with all plastic bags under lock and key! lol!

"I spent the last 18 years of my life with this little bundle of love! I just had to say goodbye to him this past February. It was hard to see him go, but I feel so lucky to have had all these years with him that I couldn't complain about anything. He deserved to rest and meet up with his brother Sable, who had been waiting for him for 7 years!"

Be sure to drop by Martine's charming blog Scrap.Cats.Love where you will see her latest beautiful creations and learn more about her current kitties and her travel adventures.

Do you live with cat brothers or sister? Are they more different than alike? Any sibling rivalry? Let us know in the comments section.

Thanks for visiting!


  1. awww! It made me smile to see my kitties up there! I'm sure that Sable and Chipper would approve! Thanks so much, Susan! For this and the pretty portrait! I'll cherish it!

  2. It was my pleasure, Martine! I'm always honored to have the opportunity to paint a remembrance of beloved furry friends--especially ones as beautiful as yours...

  3. I adopted a litter of three tabby kittens (two boys and a girl) through a local cat rescue organization. They had been dumped (in someone's truck) at about four weeks of age. When we got them, it was apparent that they were very attached to one another. They slept together all curled up in one big Tabby ball of fur. Now they are three years old. They clean each other, play and sometimes fight. But they are still very much attached to each other. My husband and two teenagers are as crazy about them as I am....

  4. Thanks for sharing this beautiful story. :-)

  5. Spunky Doodle was very nice to me when I first joined the family and we get along well. We have fun playing chase and play fighting at times.

  6. Hi, sorry i havent posted for a while.
    I have another blog now and have decided to include Meg in that one rather than a separate one so if you want to see and hear more about the little whirlwind that is our kitten then please go to
    Thanks for all your comments and interest, please do call in on Meg in her new home above.

  7. Hello! I wish my cats live a lot, like Chipper.
    Here are five cats in the house and each with a different personality each other. Amazing how they complement each other!
    A big hug.


Thanks for dropping in...I appreciate your comments. It always makes my day!