July 11, 2011

Welcome New Friends! (And a Lavenderlicious Giveaway)

[Giveaway is now closed. Congratulations to our winners Marija and Hannah from Ohio (we had two different Hannahs that submitted entries)!]

Warm greetings to new friends

and old pals from around the world! Welcome to my little corner of the blogosphere. I hope you enjoy your visit.

I am delighted to be participating in the Crafty Chica blog hop this week. Over the past four weeks, I've enjoyed participating the the Crafty Chica's (aka Kathy Cano-Murillo) DIY Publicity For Artists online workshop. Kathy has been a fantastic teacher, generously sharing a treasure trove of information with her class, including lots of tips for blogging, networking, and advertising-- all on an artist's shoestring. The online video "chats" were lots of fun-- once we got to hear her entire herd of chihuahua cuties saying "hello" in the background. Kathy's enthusiasm is contagious and her knowledge and experience are vast! Watch for future online workshops on her website, including some great DIY craft classes!

If you are new to 365 Cat Ladies and Friends, I hope you will enjoy exploring my little gallery of art and stories. The "ABOUT" link above will tell you a little bit about me and my artwork, and the "BUTTONWILLOW' link will tell you about my slightly quirky studio assistant. Click "TUTORIAL" for a lesson on how to paint a whimsical cat lady and lad!

To find out what artsy-crafty things I've been up to lately, please visit my Etsy Shop where you'll find my latest artwork, jewelry and handcrafts.

And if you like what you see, I'd like for you to visit and "like" my Facebook page if you'd like. (it's a regular like-fest around here isn't it?). Visit this link for a complete list of all of the other students' blogs and send them some like too!

And now for the good part.

As you might know from my post earlier this week, I just spent a fabulous weekend at the Yamhill Lavender Festival. I sold art, jewelry, and lavender sachets in my booth and met dozens of friendly and fascinating Cat Ladies, Nature Lovers, and Garden Goddesses. I heard funny stories about cats wit
h names like Cheddar, and Trouble, and Bojangles, and a few dog stories too. So for this month's giveaway, the prize combines my love of cats and my love of lavender.

This month I will be offering TWO different prizes as pictured below. Each one consists of a ceramic cat lover's mug from my Cafepress shop and a matching lavender-filled sachet from my Etsy shop (value of each prize package is $21.50).

To enter, just tell me what your favorite color is in the comments section of this post. Let's hear some interesting and descriptive colors! Can you guess what mine is right now? You guessed it...LOVELY LUSCIOUS LAVENDER!

Lavenderlicious Giveaway ends on Sunday, July 17 at 8 p.m. PST when I will draw TWO names at random.

Giveaway is open to everybody, including international visitors. One entry per household please. Please make sure that I have a way to contact you if
you are a winner, such as a link to your blog or e-mail address (you may send info directly to my email if you don't want to make your contact information public. You'll find an email link if you click on the "A Little About Me" profile in the right hand column.)

Thanks for dropping in! Buttonwillow and I have enjoyed your visit. Come back and see us again soon!


  1. AnonymousJuly 11, 2011

    The only way I can describe my favorite color is "that green you only get in the early spring". It's a high cool green, almost bordering on a yellow and full of light. In the first months after leafing, the picture window in my living room is filled with it. Coming as it does at the end of the long, cold northern Michigan winter, I think of it as "hope green".

    Kay Kniep - eve30@hotmail.com

  2. My favorite color growing up was pink. Pink everything. I took ballet lessons and of course in the world of child ballet...everything is pink!!! Now, one of my favorite favorite colors is a lovely muted sage green. It's so calming & beautiful.
    Thank you for the opportunity to win your lovely designs!

  3. My favorites range in the green/blue/purple part of the spectrum, but my current fav is a prussian blue (courtesy of my Marvy LePlume markers) that I've been using to stamp itty bitty flowers in my watercolor bouquets. It's a really rich, saturated color, not as dark as navy.

    Diane (screen name @gmail.com)

  4. I love green! I surround myself with it, both in my wardrobe and in my house! lol! love kitties and the smell of lavender too! :)

  5. Buttery yellow. I just painted our new kitchen that color. My husband even compared the walls to an actual stick of butter. Yes, buttery yellow! It makes me happy. :)


    (Pics of kitchen-in-progress can be found on my blog... jc-parsons.blogspot.com )

  6. Today I'm all about royal, cobalt, bright blue.

    Big fan of your work. I'd love to win!

    Linda B

  7. My favourite colour... umm grey or light blue. I have no idea, I am bad with colours, I only know the main ones. lol I just put 'light' or 'dark' in front of them, because different hues and such are just confusing to me.


  8. My favorite color is emerald green, the exact color of my beautiful red tabby Joey's eyes!

    skkorman AT bellsouth DOT net

  9. My favorite color is the blue of a crystal clear lake on a calm day- crisp, bold, and shimmery.

    marija.majerle at gmail dot com

  10. Wow! What a great giveaway! I just love lavender and lavender sachets! My favorite color is spring green, like the background color on my blog. A close second is fabulous fuscia, and I love the two of them together! I hope I win one of your prizes! My fingers are crossed! :-)

  11. I love orchid...and I remember the Crayola orchid crayon, which I always found in the largest crayon box....a gift orchid plant with pretty blossoms reminds me today!


  12. AnonymousJuly 11, 2011

    I love purple in every shade possible from lilac to plum especially in my clothing cause it goes great with blue and pink too! k_rampersad03 at yahoo dot com

  13. AnonymousJuly 11, 2011

    Mine is blue!


  14. AnonymousJuly 11, 2011

    My favorite color is pink

  15. My favorite color is purple, all shades of purple! It's the perfect color!

  16. i really like dark purple

    lauren51990 at aol dot com

  17. my favorite color is blue

  18. Right now?? WATERMELON RED!!

    <3 <3

  19. i like pinks , neons , bright vibrant colors , grey , purples , blues , green tea color . colors of tea and nature , turquoise , deep blue ,..and more .

    tumblemumbo at gmail dot com

    lovely artwork and cats

  20. I don't really have what they call "a favourite color", yet I'm very much into different shades of green and lately very fond of teal and other blueish greens.

  21. Cerise for me, a rich and vibrant pink. Cheerful and delicious.

  22. I have two favourite colours at the moment. It's bermuda blue - I always loved blue! It's so amazing colour! I also like peachy colour. It's feminine and delicate. Great for Summer!

  23. My favorite color... hm...

    I love the kind of teal/navy blue of the sky right at Dusk. It's so incredibly gorgeous!

    But then I also love the salmon-y, purple-ish of the sky when the sun is setting.

    The sky is my favorite place to look for color inspiration. :]


  24. My fav color right now is Mimosa....love it!

    Ana Belén R.M

  25. my favorite color is eggplant. Anything in the purple family :)

  26. My favorite color is black!! Thanks!


  27. my favorite color has to be bubblegum pink, but I also lately loved marine blue and of course lavender has always been one of my top 3.

    icequeengoddess (at) gmail (dot) com

  28. All sorts of blue hues. But my very favorite ones would have to be baby blue and turquoise! :)

    Nury77 at live dot ca

  29. Great giveaway!
    i love green and lavender

    anna_k67 at yahoo dot com

  30. My current fave color is the sapphire blue like Kate Middleton's ring (I'm not a super royalty fan, but I love her style). It's a great hue for clothing and jewelry.
    jhbalvin at gmail dot com

  31. Magenta. Lovely, vibrant Magenta!!

  32. I love sapphire blue. It's my fave color all time. As black as coal, ash, as white as pearl, as yellow as lemon and as green as lime comes next. Love them all!


  33. My favorite color is definitely blue!
    hanner.da.nanner at gmail dot com

  34. My favorite color depends on my mood. Usually it is blue, sometimes red, but lately it is a lovely shade of peach.

    lkish77123 at gmail dot com

  35. Oh! That picture of Buttonwillow looks like the one I took of Blue doing 'the wave'. (it's on my FB)
    My favorite color is velvety moss green. That soft lucious looking velvet that they used in the old days, in a moss green color. Heaven for the fingers, candy for the eyes :-) I love that second mug- so pretty! libbyjones777@gmail.com

  36. hmmm, favorite color is a difficult one! i would say mine is a 'deliciously deep plum'

  37. I love the unique shade of violet that matches the beautiful color of Liz Taylor's gorgeous eyes.

  38. Right now I'm so in love with Orange. That bright "Mod" happy orange. This is a wonderful giveaway, thanks for the opportunity!!

  39. AnonymousJuly 13, 2011

    Scuba Diving Deep Sea Green ;)


  40. AnonymousJuly 13, 2011

    i'm going to be honest. i don't have a favorite color. i love many colors and i can't decide for only one. but when i'm asked (there had been a few occasions in my life)i usually ask myself: what color do i feel like at this moment? hope it doesn't sound too cheesy. so if i feel like i need to calm down, i say green and the colors of forest pop up in my mind. if i feel energized and happy, i say red and think of great canyons in the sunset. if i feel blue ... blue like the sea. right now i'm a bit tired but happy, so let it be a darker shade of red. :)

  41. My favorite color at the moment is bronze - i'm loving it in jewelry, eyeshadow, etc. Thanks for the chance to win!

    tjmetz@ mchsi. com

  42. My favorite color is turquoise! It's such a calming color...

    thelovelythalia (at) comcast.net

  43. OMGosh! The lavender sachet is so cute and beautiful. I love the rabbit sachets in your shop as well. I have a female white rabbit and it reminds me of her pretty little face.
    My favorite color has always been purple. But as the years have passed it has evolved into different shades. Right now I love a rich, dark plum color.With undertones of dark reds, blue, and black.

  44. my favorite color right now is actually the combination of colors - the bluest blue of a clear blue sky, the greenish blue of the Baltic sea, and the grey-brown-yellowy color of sand. it's the best combination of colors I've ever seen. ;)

    isztarv at o2 dot pl

  45. My favorite color is pink which totally makes my day when I see any variation of it anywhere in my sight!
    From sweet pink to agressive pink - this color just rocks.

  46. I love soft pink and soft purple!

    aikychien at yahoo dot com

  47. I love Emerald Green


  48. I am colorblind being a cat, but I imagine my favorite color would be what I call "Ginger Ducky".

    My human prefers green, or as she says "Sun Lit Emerald" the color of my sister Patches' eyes.

    nutamuATaolDOTcom (I do this to avoid spam bots, replace AT with @ and DOT with .)

  49. AnonymousJuly 15, 2011

    Thank you for this :)
    My favourite color is probably aqua...I like cold shades more than warm ones in general, I find them calming...
    I love water and clean blue/green water is my fave...so Aqua it's an eay choice :)


  50. How cute! I'm a huge cat person.

    My favorite color is orange. You can't find it everywhere, but when you see it, it wows you. I love enjoying it in sunsets and flowers!


  51. I'm a sucker for emerald green and a nice turquoise.
    thanks for the giveaway :D
    aspiring crazy cat lady

  52. My favorite color is mossy, minty green


  53. Thanks for the great giveaway! My favorite color that I'm loving for the summer right now is bright, fun, punchy coral


  54. My favorite color is seaglass. It is the blue-green color of a wave as it crests onto the beach, translucent and watery. It is a treasured piece of seaglass from a walk along the water's edge. I am always brought back to the ocean when I see the seaglass color!

  55. My favorite is blue, the kinda blue you see as you're laying on the beach on an exotic island with a drink in your hand & you look out to the water as it ebbs your way & you dip your toes in the warm blue water. That's my kind of blue.

    fastkat at gmail dot com

  56. I love purple, blue and pink colors!
    Enter me!
    lusizova at gmail.com

  57. How have I not seen your blog before now? Like you, I adore lovely luscious lavender, heavenly heliotrope, enormously elegant eggplant, yes, all things proudly, perfectly purple! This would be a fantastic prize to win, thanks for the chance!

  58. i love the color coral (orangey - red... not too orange, not too red!)

  59. My favorite colour is red. This is the power:)


  60. I love all colors (including non-colors, black & white (as in Tuxedo and Tuxedo-type kitties...)

    As much as I love sapphire/aqua/teal/emerald hues - lately I've been drawn to the subtle shade variations of pink-orange - like salmon and coral and terra-cotta rose...

    Aside, Buttonwillow's feline spirit literally LEAPS out of your marvelous photo and into the hearts and imaginations of all who see it.


  61. Mine is mint green.

    nerakzkiexcore at yahoo dot com

  62. AnonymousJuly 17, 2011

    I love cats, I'd love to win!, mjjaegly@yahoo.com

  63. AnonymousJuly 17, 2011

    My favorite color is a dusty rose. I'm into muted colors right now, with a hint of gray or blue to them.
    maddiemb {at} comcast (dot) net

  64. My favorite color is green, but that lavender looks very nice.
    luckyjd2k at gmail dot com

  65. My favorite colour is chocolate brown - yummy
    brendawitherspoon at hotmail dot com

  66. AnonymousJuly 17, 2011

    I call mine "Purplink" because I love purple and pink! tamerah at earthlink.net

  67. my favorite color is passionate purple :) mojo3777@gmail.com Thanks for the opportunity to win your lovely mug! :)

  68. Aqua and pink ... today! :-) Love all of your designs!!

  69. Just reading all teh uscous color comments mixes my imaginary paint! But for now I would have to say my favorite color is COOL POOL BLUE. It is the perfect imagery for me for a sizzling summer heatwave in SoCal...ahhhh I can feel that cooool poool bluuueee now.....splash!

  70. Oh goodness...I love all colors. I guess if I had to pick just one it would be purple. You do beautiful work!

  71. Love any color of purple. I would paint my house inside and out purple if I could.

  72. Cobalt blue is my fav. color, I remember it from when I was young being in my grandparents home.

  73. Meow! Both are so pretty so here we go! Eeney Meeney Miney BLUE!
    Thanks for such cute art!
    Marianne- hope200@yahoo.com

  74. My favorite color is candy apple red

    my blog is at http://dontworrylauraishere.blogspot.com/

  75. I like Perfect Petal Pink

  76. my favorite color is purple. "Regular"purple - not lavender or plum, just straight purple. I also really like red. They are my top two.

    littleheathen9109 @ yah00 d0t c0m

  77. I love the mixture of blue and lavender. The blue (like a seamist/greenish-blue) is such a beautiful calming color. It reminds me of the swaying of a gull riding the water at the ocean, with the greenish-blue seamist all around. Lavender is just a deeply rich invigorating color. It makes you raise your head higher, step with a more purposeful step, and rise to the occasion at hand, whether that's attending a concert, or drinking cocoa in bed.


Thanks for dropping in...I appreciate your comments. It always makes my day!