May 2, 2010

Cat Ladies In The News

Today is the first day of Be Kind to Animals Week. This event was established in 1915 by the American Humane Association: "In this annual tradition, we commemorate the role animals play in our lives, promote ways to continue to treat them humanely, and encourage others, especially children, to do the same." Read about some special Cat Ladies and Animal Lovers who will inspire you:

In honor of Be Kind to Animals Week, Cat Lady Carrie (aka Cat Lady No. 45) is having a special fundraiser sale in her Etsy online shop, with proceeds benefiting three special organizations. You will love her whimsical animal sculptures! Read more about the fundraiser here: SnipPet Fundraiser

Animal Artist and Cat Lady Jennifer was the winner of our Spring Celebration Giveaway, receiving a custom portrait of her kitty Pumpkin Pie. She writes: "My Pumpkin painting is awesome!!! Thank you so much!!! I framed it immediately and hung him in the kitchen since I'm in there so much and he looked so nice against the sunny yellow wall...My husband just said today that it was the nicest thing I've ever won:) " ...Here is a photo of the framed portrait...

Lady Mimi is taking time out from painting watercolor portraits and bicycling, to model her new Tangerine Cat brooch from my Etsy Shop. Photogenic tortie Enza doesn't mind striking a pose for the photo shoot. You can see more of Mimi's artwork here, including custom portraits: Mimi's Watercolor Art

Hooray for Cat Lady Karen (aka the Food Lady) who participated in the Earth Day “Together We Can” art gallery event in New York City hosted by Fancy Feast and Friskies. This eclectic collection of art promoted the recycling of cat food cans. Karen's artwork raised over $300 in an auction to benefit Keep America Beautiful. Skeezix is already busy emptying cans for future masterpieces...Karen asks that you Take the Pledge to recycle. For each pledge made now through May 30th, Purina will donate $1, up to $100,000, to Keep America Beautiful®

Thanks for visiting!

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