May 1, 2010

All Aflutter

Illustration Friday

Garden Fairy Lillilani remembers when her winged feline Zanna was nothing more than a black and white striped CATerpillar...Now freshly hatched from her cocoon, Zanna enjoys fluttering about the garden with Lillilani, weaving in and out of sunbeams with her delicate wings.

Do you believe in Garden Fairies? You'll find this design on note cards, totes, mugs, t-shirts and other gift items at my CafePress shop: Garden Fairy No. 2


  1. Beautiful, rich colours. I love her wings.

  2. This is so cute. You had me with the cats he he he he! Very nice!

  3. AnonymousMay 02, 2010

    Lovely, I love the butterfly wings

  4. lovely choice of colors. and her wings....are BEAUTIFUL.

  5. Very nice illustration. Loving the overall feel!


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