May 3, 2010

Remembering Gracie

When Cat Lady Sharon first met Gracie she was about 2 weeks old and barely recognizable as a kitten.

"She still looked rather primordial. Her mother was a black
cat with a white chest and Gracie looked like she was going to be a grey cat. Since the family lived 50 miles away I didn't see Gracie again until she was almost 10 weeks old and I went to pick her up. I was shocked to find out that she was Siamese."

"Even as an energetic kitten Gracie never got into trouble around the house. She was always very careful when she explored every nook and cranny. Like most cats, she loved being in high places. I think the most exciting times of her life were the three
times she found a mouse in the house and suddenly became a fierce warrior...

"Gracie had a privileged life--she stayed indoors, had lots of toys, tasty food, very comfortable accommodations, and was well-loved. She loved to follow the sun around the house and watch the goings-on in the neighborhood. When she was 2 or 3 I asked her vet how he thought she would do with another cat in the house and he recommended against it so she was always the queen of the house. She flew across the country a few times visiting family (always in the plane's cabin with me!) but it became clear that she was more comfortable staying at home so friends and/or a professional cat sitter would take care of her whenever I traveled.

"Gracie was a very sweet cat--introverted with others but always very loving with me...Up until 6 months ago she was a very healthy cat but I knew that she was already living beyond the expected lifespan of an indoor cat. She was diagnosed with lymphoma in early September and responded well to medication so she was still able to enjoy her life even though her energy was diminishing. She turned 20 in late March and just after Easter she definitely took a turn for the worse. She was peacefully euthanized on April 10th."

Rest in Peace, Sweet Gracie.

[FOOTNOTES: "Since I knew Gracie's end was coming I thought about what I wanted to do for my feline future and decided that after about a month I would get two cats together...My plan was to wait a month so I could get some work done at home and do a bit of traveling before adding to my household. However after one night without a cat I knew that I couldn't wait a month so that day I went and adopted two 2.5 year old sisters--Daisy and Coco. Both are grey and white. They are both delightful--active and sweet and very fun to watch as they cuddle and lick each other."

QUILT NOTE: "The crazy quilt was a gift from my great aunt who purchased it on Nantucket Island (off the coast of Cape Cod). It was made in the 1860's...the workmanship is meticulous and the variety of fabrics and embroidery is really amazing."]

CAN YOU FIND THE CAT MOTIFS? (click on quilt image, then click with magnifying glass cursor to see detail)...There are several kitties scattered throughout the quilt, plus dogs, birds, butterflies and children!

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