October 29, 2009

Cat Lady No. 300...Faithful Feathered Friend

Autumn is in full swing now, which means that Cat Lady Claire and calico pal Trixie have fewer and fewer feathered friends to admire. Only a brave handful have lingered, including this little song sparrow, but most have taken wing to head for warmer climes.

Until they return, Claire will amuse herself with many projects, including making pop-up bird/birdhouse holiday cards, using the step-by-step instructions she found by the pop-up genius Robert Sabuda. Here is the link: Pop-up Birdhouse


This brand new watercolor painting, called "Bird Watching", is another sneak peek at one of the fine art Cat Ladies that will be part of a special art exhibit at Lawrence Gallery Sheridan here in Oregon. "Gallery Gals Holiday Art Exhibit" will take place November 1 through December 31, and will feature the work of four gallery staff members, including yours truly!

1 comment:

  1. Hi and this 1 is a favorite of mine. Your really blessed!!!
    Hugs Dena


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