October 30, 2009

Cat Lady No. 301...Don't Call Me Skinny


Cat lady Myrtle prefers to be described as svelte, trim, slender, spare, slim, sylphlike,
willowy or lithe, thank you very much!

Cat Lady Myrtle can be found on a variety of giftware and t-shirts at my CafePress Shop:
Just Ducky


  1. such a fun piece! i love all your cat ladies!

  2. beautiful colors, nice image!

  3. This is soooo beautiful! I love the turquoises, blues and greens and the drawing is amazing!! Really cute!

  4. She's great! I love the way you've used the paint in the background too. :)

  5. Hmm I like this idea. I think everything should be 'just ducky'

    But then again I have a personal liking of the word myself seeing as Ducky is my name. >^_^<

  6. woof! woff, woof, woof, bow-wow-wow, wow, woof, woof! bark!

    (um, that was my beagle posting for me... i think he really liked this one, susan. but he does feel a bit outnumbered here, so, he um, left.)

    wonnnderful work, susan! ")

  7. Lovely illo!Love the colours!

  8. very cute, love the colors too, thank you for the comment on my blog! I also checked out you other blog I love the rabbit painting also.


Thanks for dropping in...I appreciate your comments. It always makes my day!