October 28, 2009

Cat Lady No. 298 and Cat Lad 299...A Happy Family

When soon-to-be Cat Lady Teresa and soon-to-be Feline Fella Tony were wed in July of 2005, they started talking about adopting a pair of cats. So, one Saturday in September that year, they visited their local Petsmart for a Fancy Cats (www.fancycats.org) adoption fair. The rest is heart-warming history as recounted by Teresa...

"After looking at all of the kittens, our eyes were locked on a small muted calico kitten named Rita. Everyone in the store kept commenting on how beautiful she was. So, we asked to hold her. It was love at first sight.

"She had two brothers, Reggie, a tabby cat, and Batman, a black cat. We would have to adopt Rita and one of her siblings. But, we could not leave one of the brothers behind. We ended up with all three.

"The woman who had brought in the litter said that there were two more siblings that had already been adopted. Later that year, I went to the rescue website again to see the new cats on the webiste. I found out that their siblings (a calico named Abby and tabby named Riley) had been returned to the rescue.

"I called the woman who we talked to at Petsmart and she said they were available for adoption. So, my husband and I decided that we should try to reunite the family (mostly because we wanted Rita to have a sister). After a few days all five were running around like best friends. They are all very loving and cuddly cats, and their favorite thing in the whole world is turkey. "

Sadly, Rita-- the smallest of the family-- passed away from feline anemia in December of 2007. Although her time on Earth was short, Teresa and Tony are sure that her life's work was very important: ensuring that her beautiful littermates would be united in a loving, happy home.

Thanks for visiting!

Numbering Note: It might appear that I skipped Cat Lady No. 297, however, it turns out that I used No. 127 TWICE back in May, hence the correction!


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