One lucky winner will receive a Gift Certificate for a Mini Framed Custom Portrait of one cat lady (or lad) and one cat by Susan Faye (a $27.50 value!!) to redeem for yourself or to give as a gift.
Here's how to participate:
During the past year's economic crunch, many animal shelters and rescue organizations have been struggling to stay afloat. Please leave the name of your favorite shelter or rescue group in the Comments section of this post (with a link if you'd like) and you will be entered into the drawing for the gift certificate. An added bonus: For each comment left (one per person, please) between now and Oct. 31, Susan Faye will donate $1.00 to the Oregon Humane Society.
Erica and Tiger Belle hope you will be inspired to donate the same amount to your own favorite shelter or rescue group!

The giveaway ends at 7 p.m. on October 31, and one name will be drawn at random to receive this gift certificate.
Note: Please make sure you include contact information in case you are the lucky winner, such as a link to your blog or e-mail address, or contact me directly at my e-mail with your info...
Also, if you encounter trouble with the Comments feature, you may send your entry by e-mail by clicking "view my complete profile" at the end of "About Me" where you will find an e-mail link...
Thanks for participating!

This brand new watercolor painting, called "Tabby Tamer", is a sneak peek at one of the fine art Cat Ladies that will be part of a special art exhibit at Lawrence Gallery Sheridan here in Oregon. "Gallery Gals Holiday Art Exhibit" will take place November 1 through December 31, and will feature the work of four gallery staff members, including yours truly! More details to follow...
Love your work, especially Sharon and the RagaMuffin kitties!
My favorite rescue is CSRA Happy Tails, Appling, GA. This December we'll run a Kibble for Kritters program using my hotel as a dropoff point for donations, all of which, stuff and cash, goes to Happy Tails. Worked very well last year, the shelter got loads of donations. We were all very happy!
Kim Gibbons (Owen's staff member)
Our faverite rescue is Siamese Cats Rescue. I wood love to have a mini portrit of me and Mr Tasty Face!
I love your work and would be thrilled to win! My favorite rescue is the Washington County Humane Society in Slinger, Wisconsin.
What a fun prize!
There are lots of shelters I try to help,but my local shelters are Woods Humane Society in San Luis Obispo
And Santa Barbara County Shelter in Santa Maria
What a great Website and Talent. My 2 Rescues, Leo and Lionel, adopted me This past May and my favorite Rescue place is Rescue The Animals in Abilene Tx RescueTheAnimals.org@yahoo.com
Hello! Don't know if you would consider shelters in other countries but I would like to give a shout out to the Philippine Animal Welfare Society (www.paws.org.ph). :)
i leave in Brasil but I just wanted to comment here. I love cats and i love your work. you're amazing!
Darn it Skeezix beat us to our favorite rescue- Siamese Cat Rescue in VA. However, we will then put up in the running Rocky Mountain Siamese Rescue because they are awesome too!!
I love your work, and have one of your prints hanging in my sunroom! My favorite rescue is The Animal Care Society. They are a small organization but do great work for the animals in the Louisville, Kentucky area. Thanks for the giveaway!
We support the Chippewa County Animal Shelter. I am furry proud to say that we are one of only a few county run shelters that are a no-kill shelter that uses foster homes for momma cats and their babies and have 100s of volunteers that walk dogs, groom cats, play with kittens, you name it - they do it.
Our favorite shelter/rescue is Darcy's ARC in Winnipeg, Manitoba. I would loves to win a portrait of me and my mama, purrss
Love @PetietheCat
Our favorite rescue is Space Coast Feline Network in Cocoa, Florida. We're even doing a comment-a-thon on our blog today for Mom's birthday. We're donating 50 cents for effury comment.
We would be so excited if we won!!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
We think Best Friends does a good job with rescue too.
What a lovely giveaway! Since I already have a portrait, if I were to win I would give this as a gift to a friend Cat Lady.
My favorite rescue group is Second Chance Pets here in Houston. They work very hard to place cats, and to keep cats together when an elderly owner has passed away or can no longer care for them. As we have no children, my husband I have named them in our wills in addition to our siblings.
My favorite rescue group is Fancy Cats Rescue Team in Fairfax County, VA.
Susan, you are great to donate for each comment! My favorite shelter is the West End Shelter in Ontario CA. I have found my last 3 cuties there...and Tamayo is delighted to add his definite approval for this selection!
My favorite cat shelter is http://RomanCats.com, which is in ROME, Italy!
I donate money and artwork regularly to a number of local cat shelters and feral care groups, so it's hard for me to pick just one.
and I love your work too, your Tabby Tamer is a great painting!
There are so many great rescue organizations! Nationally, we like Best Friends and locally our no-kill shelter is the Hillside SPCA in Pottsville, PA.
We are big supporters of the National Cat Protection Society in Spring Valley, CA, as well as the Baja Animal Sanctuary in San Diego.
Shabby and Katie Tulip and Kalin (angel)
My favorite rescue/shelter is SkunkHaven in Ohio-- did you know that (descented) skunks are legal as pets in some areas of the country? And yes, just like other pets, some poor pet skunks lose their homes for one reason or another -- and of course, there are those sad cases of abuse. Deb Cipriani, who runs Skunk Haven with her partner Kevin, works very hard for those skunks -- she feeds them, rehabs them and loves them all -- and the results are beautiful! I love them little skunkies!!
My mom supports the ASPCA by donating to them monthly. They do lots of good work. I really appreciate the work done by humane societies and those who care for ferals, as well. My favorite at the moment is feralforlife.com; they are raising money by selling awesome t-shirts and bumper stickers. Check them out and order one or some!
Our favorite local shelter is:
http://www.dearborn-animals.com/. We love your work!
Our favorite rescue is www.saveasato.org
Although they do a lot of doggy rescues - they really do a TON of Kitty rescues! They are located in San Juan, Puerto Rico
I was born with Diabetes and Cat-A-Racts - and I now live the life of a spoiled Pirate in Bethel, CT.
My cousin Montoya was born blind, and thanks to Mom he now lives a spoiled life in Calgary, Canada.
Mom did a fund raiser with Catster Moms and they bought some new kennels for the shelter. She and Aunt Tracey have been helping to do fund raising to get the shelter re-done little by little.
They had old wood cages with bugs living underneath, and many rusty ones too.
We love your portraits, and the Interview on the Catster Blog was PAWSOME!
We would be honored to win this, and also very happy for anyone else to win it.
the shelter in my area is the one I would like to say It is Monanock humane soiceity. Swansay NH thank you. Mt email is Goomersmom@hotmail.com
We frequent the Ramona Humane Society in San Jacinto, CA
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
My favorite is Worcester Animal Shelter, Worcester, MA. They are great!
I also would be honored to win this!
Our favorite rescue is Best Friends.
My favorite shelter is Animal Lifeline in Des Moines, IA.
I love you work, especially the tabbies.
I am going to put in another plug for The Oregon Humane Society. Sunday is the big yearly telethon. It can be watched on KATU, Sunday 12-5. Thanks for contributing!!
There are so many great rescue shelters out there, but our favorite is the Second Chance Center for Animals in Flagstaff, Arizona!!!
My favorite shelter is SPCA Monteregie, it's a no kill shelter which is a rare gem as far as regular SPCA's are around here.
My human's younger cousin used to raise money for them all the time when she was in elementary and high school.
I have 4 rescued cats. My two girls were rescued by Metro Ferals http://www.metroferals.org/
The boys were born across the street and Ally Cat Allies trapped an neutered, returned them where they came back to my patio. After much work they are indoor kitties.
Love your work!!
My favorite is Islands Feral Cat program, here in Savannah Ga. This group rescues ferals, has them spayed and neutered, and shots. then they are returned back to their enviroment. Would love a mini portrit of me and my Charlie, who passed 2-23-09.
Since I am from Slovenia I support http://www.macjahisa.si/eng/
Cat house is the project of the Slovenian Society for the Protection of Animals in Need in cooperation with the Zavetišče Horjul animal shelter, and various veterinary and animal protection experts, and the English organization Cats Protection, and dedicated individuals. It was founded at the beginning of 2009 in order to improve the conditions of abandoned and feral cats.
In Chico, California (Butte county), the Butte Humane Society:
Any one can call themselves a "humane" society, although few are. The difference here is in the people -- every person really cares for each and every animal.
What a purrfectly wonderful giveaway!!!! Choosing my favorite rescue group is very difficult, but I will have to go with one that helped me soooo much with stray cats and kittens when we lived in Atlanta. It is the Good Mews Animal Foundation...the most wonderful no-kill cat shelter ever!
Thanks Susan!! Have a great day~~
Many purrs,
We met the folks from For the Love of Cats a couple years ago, and contribute items to help out their shelter in Marco Island, FL whenever we're able.
Your work is magnificent and so delightful - and, this is such a beautiful way to raise awareness of great shelters. My favorite is Tabby's Place: a Cat Sanctuary in Ringoes, NJ (www.tabbysplace.org).
I routinely donate to American Humane, ASPCA, Alley Cats Allies. North Shore Animal League as well as 4 other major organizations and 4 private ones. Although I have 3 darling cats of my own, I would really like to win this for my friend who recently had to put her "first born" as she calls him to sleep. He went very quickly from liver cancer and she is devastated. I think having a forever memory like this would cheer her up some.
Cat Lady Becky H left this comment:
What beautiful paintings!
Feline Rescue of Northern Nevada is my favorite rescue. http://www.fronn.com/ I have fostered for them and I know they take good care of the cats/kittens.
I have a blog about my fostering at http://acatztail.blogspot.com/
Our state closed our local shelter a few years back and the locals have been working very hard to get a new one started . look and see what we have done so far!
Cat Lady Jessica wrote: My favorite rescue organization is Planned Pethood, based in the Toledo, Ohio, area. Its Web address is www.plannedpethood.org. I adopted my two cats from the group. Its volunteers are amazing.
Thanks for conducting the contest and for your generous donation to the Oregon Humane Society.
My favorite rescue is the Animal Aid Foundation - Spay & Neuter Center in Tallahassee, FL.
Since 1977 the Animal Aid foundation has had a commitment to reduce the overpopulation of pets in our communities. Our foremost concern is to prevent the suffering that comes from being unwanted and our goal is to help animals who have no voice. We know that if we can spay or neuter a pet now, there will be fewer homeless pets who will be killed by automobiles, starve to death or be euthanized simply because no one wants them. Ever year over 5000 cats and dogs are spayed and neutered at the Spay and Neuter Center operated by the Animal Aid Foundation in Tallahassee, Florida. These pets will not contribute to the overpopulation of pets which are brought to animal shelters each year.
Love your work SusanFaye - but I think you knew that!
teri (Cat Lady No. 279)
I love all no-kill animal rescue shelters but since I can only name one, I chose "Good Mews" in Marietta, GA. This is an awesome organization and the cats who are lucky enough to live at this shelter live a wonderful life in a very clean, safe and caring environment.
Your work is so beautiful! I really admire you for how helpful and caring you are towards animals. My favorite rescue team is Arizona Humane Society in Arizona(azhumanesociety.com).
You know I'm a BIG FAN! My favorite rescue is Portage APL, Ravenna, OH. It's my "charity of the year" this fall, with some of the proceeds of my Etsy sales and other sales going there. We got our wonder-dog Shorty (a bassett/beagle mix) there a few years ago, and all 10 of our cats love him to pieces!!! Linda
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