March 6, 2009

Cat Lady No. 65....March Giveaway Contest Time!

Cat Lady Korina and feline friend Patty Pinstripe think confetti and noisemakers are the most important part of any celebration.

Today they are celebrating because they just learned about the 365 Cat Ladies Giveaway for March! The prize is an original miniature watercolor painting from my Etsy Shop, pictured below. And get this... if this particular ACEO has sold by March 31, the winner will receive a CUSTOM aceo instead!

The contest is being sponsored by Pet Portraits, a wonderful blog by a fellow Etsy Artist Enzie Shahmiri
. You must visit her wonderful blog for complete details on the contest, and here is the link:

365 Cat Ladies Giveaway for March

You'll also find links for Enzie's custom portraits of people and pets, plus a link to her Etsy online gift shop.

Here is the prize for my giveaway: a miniature original Cat Lady watercolor painting in ACEO format (it measures 3.5 x 2.5")

Thanks for visiting!

1 comment:

  1. Your work is lovely and I am happy that I had a chance to feature your work on my blog. Thank you!


Thanks for dropping in...I appreciate your comments. It always makes my day!