March 5, 2009

Cat Lady No. 64...Great Aunty Mabel

Cat Lady Elena and her Persian Princess Pambeh enjoy tracing their genealogies... Elena recently learned that her Great-Auntie Mabel was a suffragist in the early 1900s.

In a letter that Mabel wrote in 1908, she tells about the day that year when she joined 15,000 women who marched through New York City demanding shorter hours, better pay and voting rights.

The first National Woman's Day (NWD) was observed across the United States on February 28th, 1909. Now, 100 years later, Elena and Princess Pambeh will observe International Women's Day on March 8. It is a day of global celebration for women's advancement. Thousands of events occur each year to honor the women of the past, to celebrate the women of today, and to prepare for the daughters of tomorrow.

Princess Pambeh is enthusiastic, but continues to actively campaign for the day when cats too will have the right to vote...

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