March 7, 2009

Cat Lady No. 66...Go With The Flow

Mermaid Cat Lady Juliana and her Cat Fish Mirabella enjoy their early morning swims around the grotto because they have mastered the art of "going with the flow".

You too can enjoy your swim through the sea of life with the help of Leo Babauta who has come up with 12 Practical Steps for Learning to Go With The Flow in his award-winning blog ZenHabits:

1. Realize that you can't control everything
2. Become aware
3. Breathe
4. Get perspective
5. Practice

6. Baby Steps
7. Laugh
8. Keep A Journal
9. Meditate
10. Realize that you can't control others
11. Accept change and imperfection
12. Enjoy life as a flow of change, chaos and beauty.

For more details about each of these steps, visit this link:

Take a deep breath. Relax. Enjoy. And thanks for visiting!

My original mini portrait of Julianna and Mirabella pictured above is currently for sale on my Etsy site: It is in ACEO format and these very affordable mini watercolor paintings are adorable when framed and arranged in a grouping!

This image is also available on t-shirts and gifts at my CafePress Shop: Mermaids

1 comment:

  1. Hi Susan,
    Thanks so much for your kind words and advice on my little painting ; ). I went straight away and entered Enzie's contest for your mini painting---I've got my fingers crossed ; ). I was thinking of blogging about the contest---would it be okay to link back to Enzie's blog with one of your illos? By the way, I love this little cat fish--so sweet~~


Thanks for dropping in...I appreciate your comments. It always makes my day!