April 2, 2013

Kickstarter Basics

[Update: My Kickstarter project is now live!  Check it out at this link: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/susanfaye/oh-rats-snazzy-artisanal-catnip-toys-to-drive-your]

I need your help! 

My snazzy rat catnip toy prototypes are finished and ready to invade the world.  

So.... to raise the seed money necessary to print large runs of fabric and to purchase all of the other necessary materials in large quantities at wholesale prices, I have created a Kickstarter campaign which will launch later today, Tuesday, April 2.  I'll be posting the project link once it goes live this evening.

Not familiar with Kickstarter?  It's a fantastic website for creative people that enables them to raise funds for their creative projects, including films, games, music, art, books, design,  technology, not to mention handmade catnip rat toys!

Project creators like me set a funding goal and deadline. If people like you want to support a project, you can pledge money to make it happen. In return, each backer will receive  rewards created by the project creator and based on the level of the pledge (in my case-- snazzy rat cat toys, Cat Lady or Cat Guy I.D. cards, and/or a limited edition tote bag).  It's a little like a PBS pledge drive (except your TV program won't be interrupted!).

Funding on Kickstarter is all-or-nothing — projects must reach their funding goals to receive any money.  Pledge money is collected through Amazon.com, but your credit card will only be charged if the project reaches its goal. 

You can learn more about being a backer here: 


Click here for general info about Kickstarter:


Once my project goes live, you can help me over the next 21 days by

  1. Making a pledge (essentially, you will be pre-ordering Snazzy Rats catnip toys), and...
  2. Spreading the word by sharing my Kickstarter project with all of your favorite crazy cat ladies and cat guys through Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc...

I'll be posting my project link later today once it is launched. Thanks for your help!

Follow Me on Pinterest


  1. I gave a little tiny bit and I shared it on Facebook! The Pet Museum thinks these rats have got to be shared with the kitty world. Go get 'em!

  2. THANK YOU Curator for helping to get this project off to a great start and for sharing the link! Your contribution is greatly appreciated. :-)


Thanks for dropping in...I appreciate your comments. It always makes my day!