April 3, 2013

Buttonwillow Wishes to Thank The Academy...

Last night was the exciting launch of my Kickstarter catnip toy project, which featured the premiere of our "Oh Rats!" video starring Buttonwillow and her sidekick Inka. 

 And in response to your response we would like to say...

Wow Wow Wow! 
You guys are the SNAZZIEST! Thanks to some really fantastic feline fanatics, we reached our initial Kickstarter funding goal in the first 5 hours of the campaign. I can't believe it and my head is still spinning. Thank you thank you thank you from the bottom of my heart!

But this campaign isn't over yet.  Additional pledges = seed money for additional Snazzy Rat designs!

Pledging will continue for another 20 days, so it's time to introduce some incentives to keep the ball rolling!  In Kickstarter Land they are called "stretch goals."

Sooo, here's the deal: Every time the pledge total goes up another $300, I will design one brand new Snazzy Rat design for backers to choose from, up to 6 new designs (in addition to the original four).  Click here for details: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/susanfaye/oh-rats-snazzy-artisanal-catnip-toys-to-drive-your/pos...

Please help me reach these "stretch goals" by sharing my Kickstarter link with all of your cat-lovin' friends and family: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/susanfaye/oh-rats-snazzy-artisanal-catnip-toys-to-drive-your

As you can imagine, I am jumping for joy and truly appreciate your support of my creative endeavors! Thanks everybody! 

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