March 2, 2013

The Best Little Heating Vent in Yamhill County

There may be signs of spring outside, but it's best not to stray too far from the heating vent inside, like this choice one by the front window...

Buttonwillow warms her tootsies while keeping an eye on baseball practice across the street.

A proper girl always crosses her legs...

...Buttonwillow attempts to achieve the highest ratio of heat per square inch.

Hope you enjoy a warm and cozy weekend!

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  1. Buttonwillow sure looks happy in her own breeze. Does she sometimes position herself in a kind of "bouchée-manner" as well?

    Check it out on my blog:

  2. Too funny!! If we had heater vents instead of baseboards Kubi & Dora would lay on them too :) As it is they stand with 3 feet on the baseboard heaters to warm their tootsies.

  3. Kitties love their heat! I had a black kitty who loved to lie directly in the sun puddles, in the middle of the afternoon, on the screen-porch in 110 degree temps. Crazy little thing.

  4. My Chloe does the same thing; when I can't find her sometimes I'll check her favorite heater vent under one of the beds.

  5. Buttonwillow is a cute cat!!!


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