February 22, 2013

Hope Springs Eternal....

Meet Ashley. A snowy white rabbit with a pink nose and a sparkling-like-a-diamond disposition.  Almost always.
image copyright 2013 Susan Faye

This little funny bunny has but one question lately:

image copyright 2013 Susan Faye all rights reserved

Normally she doesn't yell like that, but Ashley has been holed up in her burrow all winter long, and her stash of root vegetables is getting pretty darn low.  Not to mention her disposition.  It isn't quite so sparkly lately.

image copyright 2013 Susan Faye

And that's not blue sky that you see behind her either.  Outside the skies are gray gravy sludge, spewing rain and occasional sloppy sleet.  So Ashley's friend Bea came over and they painted the burrow walls a lovely shade of sky blue. 

image copyright 2013 Susan Faye all rights reserved

They also added a mural of fanciful flowers as tall as Ashley's pastel-pink-lined ears. Suddenly Ashley's disposition ascended from the doldrums and she broke out the box of chocolate-dipped violets that she'd been saving for just such a special occasion.  Bea was delighted.  They will paint her burrow later this week.

How do YOU beat the winter doldrums?  Do you make art, plan your spring garden, bake carrot cakePlease share your tips in the comments section.

Get a jump on Spring with my new line of hand-crafted jewelry featuring Ashley and her friends.  Click here to see what's new in my Etsy shop: Things for Spring

Fanciful Flowers Necklace
White Rabbit Garden Pendant
Pretty Posies Garden Earrings

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1 comment:

  1. I declutter my place in preparation for spring cleaning. :)


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