November 2, 2012

Illustration Friday... "Shy"

original watercolor by Susan Faye copyright 2012

Both Delia and her fluffmonster Abercrombie shy away from loud people and barking dogs (or is it barking people and loud dogs?), 
but would love to have an amiable chat and a cup of tea with you. 

 Thanks for visiting!

My original watercolor painting of Delia and Abercrombie is available for purchase in my Etsy shop: Cat Lady Delia Painting
A handcrafted pendant of Delia and Abercrombie is also available for purchase in my Etsy shop:


  1. Adorable! Totally recognized your style from your Etsy shop. :)

  2. Hey, your mom makes really cool stuff. We're going to your etsy shop to see more!
    Harry,Dexter and Tipp

  3. Beautiful as usual Susan.

    I would like to inform you that you have won The Super Sweet Blogging Award. If you would like to collect your award please visit my blog@

  4. Oh, I adore the pendant! It's so cool that there are people who find their own ways of creating and do not copy the others. I do like it! Greetings from snowy Polish mountains:)


Thanks for dropping in...I appreciate your comments. It always makes my day!