October 31, 2012

Halloween with Inka

Inka is just a basket case today.  It's her very first Halloween.

Here is her costume.  She's going as The-World's-Cutest-Black-Kitten-Known-To-Man-Woman-Or-Garden-Basket

The Carving of the Pumpkins was particularly exciting for her.

 Feline Fella and I were inspired by a pumpkin we saw on Mousebreath--a fantastic spooky cat face design by carver Hugh McMahon,  seen on our computer screen...

Auntie Mary created her very own special design...

 Things are progressing nicely...

Time for a snack.  Roasted pumpkin seeds, anyone?

They're finished! Inka gives her Smooch of Approval.


Now for the best part... Break out the candles!

Can you spot the Halloween Hare in Mary's design?

Happy Halloween 
from The-World's-Cutest-Black-Kitten-Known-To-Man-Woman-Or-Jack-O-Lantern!


  1. The carved pumpkins are just gorgeous!

    Happy Halloween sweet little Inka!!!
    Anna & Zoe

  2. Happy Halloween Inka and family.

    My cat doesn't care for Halloween, too many doorbell rings and noises outside. But it's not as bad as Fourth of July!

  3. Looks like you had a good Halloween helping with those jack-o-lanterns. They look GREAT!

  4. I really enjoyed reading all stuff about your crazy cat! I have a few cats myself, they make life more fun!

  5. LOL one lazy and naughty cat you have!


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