October 21, 2012

Shadow Play

It's a challenge.  
Photographing a black kitten-cat is like taking a picture of a shadow in motion.  Inka inevitably winds up looking like a blurry silhouette.  But when she spotted Buttonwillow's profile behind the drapes in the sunny window, for once it seemed highly appropriate that she appeared only as an inky silhouette!


  1. Lovely photos!!!! Inka is so beautiful! I love black kitties, and yes, it's truly difficult to photograph them! :)

  2. Nice set of photos! That last one especially could be made into a lovely painting.

  3. These are the greatest kitty photos. If this happened at my house, I'd never get the camera in time to catch it. I love the name Buttonwillow. I hope you will check out my kitty-specific blog, www.thecatonmyhead.com.


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