October 20, 2012

Cover Girl Winners!

It was a landslide. Crazy Cat Lady "A" won the popularity contest with a whopping 34 votes. Tuxedo Mom and Tea Time Lady tied for second with 16 votes each, and Autumn Cat Lady came in with a respectable 11 votes.

One voter's name was drawn at random to win a calendar, and the winner was knitting cat lady Nancy P. who cast her vote over on my facebook page.  Congratulations, Nancy P.!

Crazy Cat Lady A would like to humbly thank everyone for participating, especially those who voted to make her dreams come true to become this year's covergirl.  She will be working tirelessly all year to promote peace, spaying and neutering, and a better cat fur removal system for dark clothing.

I will be printing up calendars this weekend and will list them in my Etsy shop asap.  Stay tuned...

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