August 28, 2012

What Should I Paint Next? (Plus a Work in Progress... )

The Art Harvest Studio Tour is just six weeks away so it's time to go into high gear and paint, paint paint!  At any given time I like to have several paintings in progress so that I can let one "rest" while I work on another one.  

I need your help! 
What should I paint next?  

 A cottontail bunny, Buttonwillow's pretty face, a plow-horse team, or my streptocarpus flowers?  Please vote in the comments section of this post.

In the mean time, here is what I am working on now.  The working title is "Teamwork".

First I've sketched in the horses and used masking fluid to block off areas that I want to stay white (it will be rubbed off later on ). 

Next, I've done an "underpainting" to give everything a nice glow.

  Working very wet, I've done a wash of blues, greens and amber for the field, dropping in a sprinkling of salt to give it some speckling.

 Next, I've added a wishy washy atmospheric treeline on the horizon, again working very wet, this time with more neutral colors to give a sense of distance.

 It's time to work on the subject matter...
After painting the torsos, I've removed the masking from the legs to reveal the bright white of the paper...

 Now it's time to work on the top half of the team, and when the paint is dry, I remove the masking.
Now I need to do some detail work and fix some problems.  The horses look like they are "floating" in the field, so I will set the painting aside for awhile and let my subconscious mull it over.  When I look at the painting again, I will hopefully have some answers.

So now I'm ready to start a new painting! Be sure to put in your two cents worth on what I should start next, by voting in the comments section of this post.  Thanks for your help!


  1. I love the bunny!

  2. I like the bunny!

  3. Thanks for your input! I also put it up for a vote on my FB page and Buttonwillow won hands down, with the bunny coming in second. Stay tuned.


Thanks for dropping in...I appreciate your comments. It always makes my day!