August 23, 2012

4000 Likers to Love! [And a Gift Just For You...]

I enjoy milestones, and this is a biggie for me! Sometime during the night, my Facebook page passed the 4000 "likers" mark! Here is why this is a meaningful milestone for me:

A few years ago, shortly after I started my Facebook page for my fledgling internet business (back when it was a "fan page" and you were all "fans" instead of "likers"), I excitedly sent a message to my son. I was bragging that I had finally reached 50 fans. He teasingly wrote back, "You can do better than that. Get back to me when you reach 1000." I thought he was crazy. I had worked so hard to get 50 people to look at my page, I couldn't even imagine reaching another 50, let alone 950! But I loved my son's optimism, and decided to work just a little harder at it.

So you can imagine the thrill it was for me to wake up and see that I passed the 4000 mark some time in the night.

I hope you can also imagine how GRATEFUL I am for EACH and EVERY ONE of my "likers", Cat Ladies, Nature Lovers, family and friends, and fans who visit, support, and contribute to this blog and to my "Susan Faye Art for Feline Fanatics and Nature Lovers" page! It is such a joy to be able to share my creative process with you!

So I have a little gift for you:  

It's a printable mini-poster that should print up nicely on an 8.5 x 11" piece of paper to put on your refrigerator or office bulletin board. First click on the image so that you can see the whole thing at full size. Then right-click and "save image" to your computer. You should be able to print it from there. [these are directions for a PC-- if anyone has MAC directions, please post in comments]. All I ask is that you use this image for personal enjoyment and use only; please do not use for any commercial or business purposes or for resale. 

Thanks a million for your support! 

And thanks, Chris, for the little "kick in the butt" when I needed it. Moms need that too, once in a while.. ;-) 


  1. Congrats, and thank you for the beautiful mini poster. So pretty.


Thanks for dropping in...I appreciate your comments. It always makes my day!