August 16, 2012

Mom, Is That You?

can you believe it?

it's bad enough that this homeless waif has made her way into the house and is playing with my toys.  

let me tell you about the other cat.

this one showed up months ago, when we moved into the new house.  art lady told me some kind of malarkey that this was my mother.  she said that when she moved into the old house, this cat lived out by the creek and had two kittens under the house and one of them was me.  

(I'm the one in the back).  
art lady said that she took in the two kittens, but the alleged "mom" was too "wild" and wanted to stay outside and live by the creek.  art lady says she was able to get the alleged "mom" to the doctor for some kind of operation.  i think i had the same operation.  it was not fun.

art lady found a nice home for my brother and but she kept me because i had a "z" in the end of my tail and that made me extra special. not to mention my sparkling personality.

so when we moved to the new house, art lady said she couldn't leave the alleged "mom" behind at the creek.  so the alleged "mom" came to live in our garage.

then the alleged "mom" decided that she really liked living the good life and came to live inside and started cozying up to art lady.  art lady calls her "sweet pea".

i ask you.  just look at  this intruder.
 how could she possibly be my mom?

we all know that art lady is my mom. 



  1. What a family of beautiful cats. Love that last photo. They are all spectacular.

  2. Hahah! I love this post!

  3. LOL
    I love your post as well :)

    All your cats are beautiful :)

  4. awww! what a sweet story! love it!

  5. You are a real cat lady ;-)
    I love this post, I smiled the entire time I was reading it.

  6. Smiles all around here too. Like you, I can't say no to an animal in need. :)

  7. Great post; loved reading it and seeing what the family history is. And it's a good thing to have 2 moms!


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