August 15, 2012

Art Harvest Studio Tour of Yamhill County

 As many of you know, I spent several years painting custom portraits of cat ladies and pet lovers, but last year I made a really tough decision and stopped taking commissions.  Although I loved painting these portraits, I came to the startling realization that my creative time, energy and inspiration were finite.  Who knew? When painting 2-3 portraits a week I found that I had nothing left over for my first love-- "serious watercolors".

 Which leads to this very exciting announcement :

I am pleased as punch and tickled pink to let you know that I have been juried into the Art Harvest Studio Tour of Yamhill County here in Oregon!

The tour takes place in October, and along with 30+ other NW artists, I will be opening up my home studio, sharing my latest artwork, and doing some demonstrations. In the coming weeks I'll be giving you a sneak peek at some of the artwork I am getting ready for the show. 

Here is a large watercolor on canvas painting that I started a while back and never finished.  I think it's time to finish it! 

This one is a little "study" that I did for a painting that is a tribute to the harvest activity of the Willamette Valley (harvest season is in full swing right now, but you'll only see teams like this at our local history museum's "Farm Fest").  I'll be showing more of this work-in-progress soon...

Here are the particulars about the tour: 

The Art Harvest Studio Tour is a self-guided tour through scenic Yamhill County, Oregon, and is a presentation of the Arts Alliance of Yamhill County.  More that 30 member-artists will be on this year's self-guided tour. The goal is to "spark your interest in visual arts, the creative process and the unique studio environment of the working artist".

2012 Tour Dates
Friday, Saturday and Sunday
October 5, 6, 7 and 12, 13, 14
To start the tour, just visit any of the participating studios and purchase a collectible Tour Admission Button. It's your ticket to as many studios as you wish to visit, all six days.
Adults: $7
18 and younger:FREE! 

For more information,and to see a list of participating artists and maps, visit our website:


  1. Congratulations! I'll let my sister in Portland know about the tour. So exciting!

  2. Fantastic - congratulations on your upcoming show! Your watercolors are beautiful. I love commissions, but agree that energy is 'finite.' I am culling back on a few myself. Good luck with your show!

  3. congrats! your work is beautiful!! (but I'm so glad I got the chance to have my custom portrait done before you stopped doing them! ;)


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