April 29, 2012

You're All Poets, And I Know It!

It's still National Poetry Month!  Thank you to everyone who has shared their Haiku poems in the You're a Poet and You Know It Giveaway. 

Did you know that you can enter up to three different haiku poems for three chances to win a Susan Faye designer mug? [Two winners will be selected at random- Giveaway ends TOMORROW at 7 p.m. PDST!]

Cat Lady Librarian Jeanne did just that. Here are her creations: 

Cat Lady Jeanne with Freddie, Bonnie, Mocha, and Rupert
Tail twitching, Flora
lurks 'neath the feeder, hoping
for feathered fauna.

In springtime, birds know
that small tigers sometimes lurk
under the tulips.

Springtime is for love
and nesting, while in summer

the jays dive-bomb cats.

Here's a little bit about just a few of the fabulous felines that have stolen Jeanne's heart and inspired her poetry: 

"Freddie, the white and grey tabby, likes to ride on shoulders and is not liked at the vet's in part for his propensity to suddenly leap on someone's back.  

"Bonnie is my darling little Ragdoll who is shy and tiny.  She developed ear problems which eventually left her deaf and with some balance issues.  She has a chronic and characteristic head tilt. Fred picks on her a bit because he likes to hear her squall and he knows I'll give in and let him out if he pesters poor little Bonnie. Bless her, she terrifies me when she escapes because she doesn't really think things will hurt her.  She's a true innocent.  

"Bonnie only liked cats who looked like her, so she developed a deep attachment to my Himmie, Mocha.  Mocha wasn't thrilled but he accepted it and they became very fond of one another.  Mocha succumbed to congestive heart failure last year and Bonnie misses him.  

"Finally, there is Rupert, a red tabby with white toes. He was a stray with many names:  Prince Rupert Rufus Hubert Herbert Hobart Rumplestiliskin Crookshanks Cockleburr of Bavaria and the Rhine.  I called him my shabby little gentleman because he was rather rumpled and thin when he came but he had a dignity and sweetness that totally took my heart. His little white toes reminded me of spats.  I had to trap him as he was wary of humans and we discovered he was toothless yet he had cheerfully eaten any food, wet or dry. He often sat with a bit of his tongue stuck out.  Once he realized we weren't going to hurt him he couldn't be petted enough though he was gracious and allowed other cats to be petted too -- unlike some of my other ruffians.  He was my soul cat, my equal."

Now it's your turn!  If you haven't already, Write a simple haiku (or three) about your pet and Spring (or anything nature-related), and leave your haiku in the comments section of the original post, where you will find complete details: http://www.365catladies.blogspot.com/2012/04/youre-poet-and-you-know-it.html    Be sure to read all of the wonderful haikus that have already been submitted.

Knit One Purr Two
Blessed are the Garden Cats
Giveaway ends the evening of Monday, April 30 at 7 p.m. Pacific Daylight Savings Time. TWO winners will be selected at random and each will receive their choice of one Susan Faye designer mug ($14.00 value), which will be shipped any where in the world.

Thanks for participating!

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