April 30, 2012

More Beautiful Haiku Poetry... [Giveaway Ends Tonight!]

The final day of National Poetry Month has arrived, but you still have until 7 o'clock this evening to try your hand at haiku poetry in theYou're a Poet and You Know It Giveaway.
copyright 2012 Susan Faye

 You may enter up to three different haiku poems for three chances to win a Susan Faye designer mug. [Two winners will be selected at random TONIGHT at 7 p.m. PDST].  Visit the link above for complete details.

Here are some of the lovely entries so far....

Debra B wrote... 
 ~♥~ SPRING ~♥~
Spring-time is now here ...
The flowers show God's glory ...
Do not pick them all.
copyright 2009-2012 Susan Faye
jhitomi wrote...
Creatures in our yard
Bunnies, squirrels, deer and slugs
The Cat rules supreme!

Joan P wrote...
 Cat hears the cricket
Song of spring that speaks to her
copyright 2009-2012 Susan Faye
Creatures sharing earth.

Audrey Hackett wrote...
 Birds singing outside
Sleepy cats snuggled inside
Purrfect springtime zen

Hope you are inspired to add your own haiku poems...Thanks for participating! 

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