November 6, 2011

Secret Identity Giveaway

Question: Does your pet have a secret identity?

On Halloween it was revealed that Buttonwillow's secret identity is:
Here is a bit of her secret alter-ego's handiwork:

Are you ready to reveal your own pet's secret identity?

Fighter pilot?

Member of a motorcycle gang?


Be-boppin' Bobby Soxer?

Master Gardener or Soccer Star?

Based on your pet's characteristics and special qualities, tell us in 50 words or less what his or her secret identity is in the comments section at the end of this post. Multiple pets in one household count as one entry. Don't have a pet? Use the pet of a friend or relative. Entries will also be accepted in an identical post over at The Hive.

Each person who leaves a comment will be entered into a drawing to be held on November 13. At 8 p.m. PST on that day, three names will be drawn at random. The first name drawn will win a $30.00 gift certificate to my Etsy Shop. The two runners up will each receive their choice of one of my new calendars, either Cat Lovers or Nature Lovers (a $14.00 value).

Bonus Entry #1: Become a follower of this blog (click "Join This Site" over there in the right-hand column), and once you do, please leave an extra comment at the end of this post saying you have done so. Already following? That counts too! Leave an extra comment to that effect.

Bonus Entry #2:
Become a "liker"of my Facebook page:, then leave an extra comment at the end of this blog post saying you have done so. Already a "liker"? That counts too! Leave an extra comment to that effect. You may post a picture of your pet in their alter-ego guise on my facebook page!

Please make sure that I have a way to contact you if you are the winner, such as a link to your blog or e-mail address included in the comment
. You may send the info directly to my email if you don't want to make your contact info public.

Also, if you encounter trouble with the Comments feature, please contact me by e-mail
. If you visit , you will find an email link.

Thanks for participating!


  1. My cat, "Batman" is a nocturnal florist. He likes to take the flowers from the vase and turn them into abstract surprises on the table. Joni @

  2. PS- I've been a follower of your blog for a while now and just want to say I love your blog & your shop! :)

  3. Our new puppy loves digging like a maniac!! Also, he somehow always manages to find things around the house which I've considered lost for ages!! I'd say he's like a detective-archaeologist -hence the name "Indy" I just gave him :))


  4. I was already a blog follower, as deb_oro


  5. And already a Facebook follower, as Despina Vnt
    Great and fan giveaway!!


  6. One of my 3 cats' secret identity is Evil Knievel. She can jump across anything, including a fish pond!

  7. I just "liked" you on Facebook...

  8. ...and I follow your blog on Google Reader.

  9. My dog gained his name shortly after arriving to live with us as a small puppy. His needle sharp baby teeth managed to draw blood at least once a day so my teenage daughter named him Jasper after(an incredibly hot) popular movie vampire.

  10. Well, Dobby is named after a house-elf, and wow, should I not have done that. He's very much like Dobby the house-elf, only without the socks... And Buttercup is a not-so-stealthy stealth-licker... LOL!

  11. Just became a follower (not sure how I missed that before...)

  12. and liked your FB Page... :)

  13. We have "Lulu, Princess Warrior"..she can take ont he world, and she thinks she's a big dog - even talking on a pit bull that attcket her little brother, Braxton, the Wal-Mart Greeter of a ShihTzu {he loves to greet anyone and every one on our walks, at the door, anywhere..}

  14. ..Oh..and yes, I have your blog on my sidebar :-)

  15. My cat Sammy is the personal wake up service attendant. He scratches my legs after the alarm clock goes off.

  16. I already follow your blog and love it.

    Linda B

  17. Our cat Buddy is the food alert cat. The bowls cannot be empty of dry cat food or he alerts us continously with loud meows.

    Linda B

  18. Have 3 cats and they all have jobs, so the last is Fritz, our black cat, the playbaby.

    His job is to find bottlecaps, milk bottle rings and use the "force" to get me and my husband to play catch. He catches them in mid air and brings it to the other person, so all 3 of us can play.

  19. I'm a new Facebook follower. @linorstore

  20. Our Pixel pretends to be Helpful NASA Kitty during the day (, but at night he becomes the Sock Monster! ( It took us over a year to figure out which cat was behind the mysteriously transported socks!

  21. My cat Milo is a dog in disguise. He carries around pens in his mouth, drinks out of the toilet, and comes when he is called. What a goof.

  22. Our cat is a secret escape artist, named Houdini. We didn't have a name for him yet, or had named him something else, when he started escaping out of things he was supposed to stay in; hence Houdini
    robinlscott4 at hotmail dot com

  23. like you on fb
    robinlscott4 at hotmail dot com

  24. Thank you for the opportunity. This giveaway is amazing.!

  25. What a lovely giveaway!

  26. i love your giveaway

  27. i like your fcebook page :) (as Agness Woolf).

  28. My dog Brooklyn is a "Yoga" instructor in her spare time, she is able to preform all kinds of contorted positions, she does the best downward dog yoga position lol

  29. I am a blog follow via GFC too!

  30. I "liked you on FB too, under Robyn M

  31. my dog is Luana. she's a bit crazy, and pretty lazy. I like to tihnk she's a secret spy with a wolf gange when we're all away. she looks like wolf, that's why I say this, and it might explain her temperament and being tired all the time. :)

    lauren51990 at aol dot com

  32. I love your pendants! Gorgeous giveaway!

  33. I have 2 beautiful Golden Retrievers. "LeeLoo" my 10 year olds secret identity is Whimpy from Popeye, she is always looking for a free meal. And sweet Dollar Bill recently had surgery and has so many staples and stitches we can't help believe she is secretly Frankenstein or as we are calling her "FrankenBill".
    halochanel at gmail dot com

  34. I follow your blog on GFC -Kimberly W
    halochanel at gmail dot com

  35. I also liked your Facebook page (Kimberly Fine Wright)
    halochanel at gmail dot com

  36. Follow you here and on facebook! I posted a picture on your fb wall of my fairly feral 3 pound monster Zoey. In this shot she's covered in snowballs that accumulated in her very fine, very long fur. She rarely comes in the house (we've had her for 7 years and barely see her). However, this particular storm proved too much and she came in with snowballs stuck all over her! Normally she just weathers the storms outside, but I guess the snowballs were enough to drive her inside and have Mom pull them off!

  37. Henry is a poker player. He doesn't know that I know, of course. I'm just hoping that when he finally wins he'll share the money with the one who opens the food cans (that would be me, ha).

    danaan at gmx dot at

  38. My cat "Picasso" is a "Spy" She has attitude, she is a Tortoiseshell with "tortitude" She likes to sit on top her cat post and look down on the world she also likes to hide in the long grass and then playfully jump on the other cats when they are not looking. Always spying and watching. She has an attitude as if she wants to say "I know I am beautiful".

  39. Sebastian is a cat who wants people to think he is tough guy but really he is a lover not a fighter.

  40. My dog, Rufus, is a social worker. He will sit there all day and listen, and even answer sometimes!

  41. My cat, Charlie, is a dog. He chases his tail and is "a man's best fiend". My cat, Lucy, is a jungle panther, she likes to hide under our large plants.

  42. My dog, Shasta, is a stunt double. She army crawls across the floor, she jumps gates, fences, into the pool, out of moving cars.

    krisj_27@hotmail DOT com

  43. "Swiffer" is our black female cat who always crawls under things and seems to collect cobwebs and dust bunnies. You might say we have it "Maid"!

    Our glamor puss model is named "Boa" for the most luxurious feathered boa tail. A great kitty model with gorgeous fur, long eyelashes and great strut can be found on the cat walk!

  44. I just signed on to be a follower! Join on mine too if you wish:)

  45. I have also "Liked" you on face book since the option of "Love" wasn't there. lol

  46. Cat Lady Mary Pat's entry: Our cat, Lil Girl is always keeping up with the latest news from all of our neighborhood pets as well as our family pets. In the photo you see her conversing with Peanut, my daughter's cat by way of internet conferencing. If she's not at the PC, she's on the window sill, ready to run out to exchange notes with anyone who may visit her yard. We think her secret life is that of a Gossip Columnist. >^..^<

  47. Cat Lady Sharon B sent in this entry: My cat, Coco, is Dora the Explorer! I never know where I'll find her--on top of the upper kitchen cabinets, hiding in a dresser drawer I left open,or deep in the closet. My other cat, Daisy, is Queen Elizabeth. She definitely has royal demeanor but she is also sweet and loving when it suits her.

  48. Daisy Mae (my adopted mini dachshund) by day, Franny the Food Fighter by night. This dog throws her food all over the house. I find it in almost every room!
    mahgwi21 at yahoo


Thanks for dropping in...I appreciate your comments. It always makes my day!