November 8, 2011

Secret Identities Revealed!

Apparently, it is not unusual for a pet to have a secret alter-ego. Here are some examples:


HornCatCreations said...My cat, "Batman" is a nocturnal florist. He likes to take the flowers from the vase and turn them into abstract surprises on the table.


DESPINA said...Our new puppy loves digging like a maniac!! Also, he somehow always manages to find things around the house which I've considered lost for ages!! I'd say he's like a detective-archaeologist -hence the name "Indy" I just gave him :))


Janine said...One of my 3 cats' secret identity is Evil Knievel. She can jump across anything, including a fish pond!


rosewendy said...My dog gained his name shortly after arriving to live with us as a small puppy. His needle sharp baby teeth managed to draw blood at least once a day so my teenage daughter named him Jasper after(an incredibly hot) popular movie vampire.


Rana Wilson said...Well, Dobby is named after a house-elf, and wow, should I not have done that. He's very much like Dobby the house-elf, only without the socks... And Buttercup is a not-so-stealthy stealth-licker... LOL!


Colleen - the AmAzINg Mrs. B said...We have "Lulu, Princess Warrior"..she can take on the world, and she thinks she's a big dog - even taking on a pit bull that attacked her little brother, Braxton, the Wal-Mart Greeter of a ShihTzu {he loves to greet anyone and every one on our walks, at the door, anywhere..}

Does your pet have a secret identity?

Hop on on over to the Secret Identity Giveaway post and share your pet's alter-ego secrets for a chance to win a
$30.00 gift certificate to my Etsy Shop. The two runners up will each receive their choice of one of my new calendars, either Cat Lovers or Nature Lovers (a $14.00 value).Giveaway ends November 13. At 8 p.m.

Thanks for participating!!

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