November 16, 2011

A List of Lists and a Freebie For You!

It's that time of year to make lists. Many lists.

Grocery Lists
Gift Lists
Errand Lists
Christmas Card Lists
Wish Lists
Craft Supply Lists
To-Do Lists
Guest Lists
Important Dates To Remember Lists

So in order to help you with your list of lists, I have a little gift for you. It's my way of thanking you for your love and your support of my creative endeavors over the past year.

As readers, pet lovers, customers and friends,
you are all tops on my list!

Below is a printable list-making page. Right-click on the image and use the "save image as" option to save it to your desktop. You should then be able to print it up just like you would any photo. When printed full-size, it should fit on a standard 8.5 x 11" sheet of paper; then just cut it in half to make two lists.

[Please remember, this list-making page is a gift for personal use and enjoyment only. Commercial use or reproduction is prohibited. Please respect this policy with regards to all artists and their's good karma!]

So what is tops on your list of lists this week? What lists will you be working on over the coming weeks? Please share in the comments section of this post. Thanks for visiting!


  1. LOVELY!!!!!!!!!!
    Thank you so much for the gift, Susan! I'm saving it and going to print it out!

  2. Oh, How nice! I appreciate your thoughtfulness!

  3. Susan, you are so creative! Thank you! >^..^<

  4. How sweet of you...makes listmaking even more fun!

  5. Thank you Susan, I will definitely use this list and smile when I do, even if it's a list of chores.


Thanks for dropping in...I appreciate your comments. It always makes my day!