November 16, 2011

Giveaway Winners Revealed!

Congratulations to the winners of the 365 Cat Ladies Secret Identity Giveaway! Three names were drawn at random and the two runners-up were:

Rana Wilson, The "Crafting Enlish Prof", who said... Well, Dobby is named after a house-elf, and wow, should I not have done that. He's very much like Dobby the house-elf, only without the socks... And Buttercup is a not-so-stealthy stealth-licker... LOL!

Check out Rana's crafty creations at her Etsy shop Definitive Designs.

Cat Lady Jenny said... My cat Milo is a dog in disguise. He carries around pens in his mouth, drinks out of the toilet, and comes when he is called. What a goof.
Jenny has a great selection of creations for bird lovers at her Etsy shop A Bird In The Hand Art.

Rana and Jenny each won a mini calendar and chose the Cat Lover version pictured here...

The grand prize winner of the $30 gift certificate to my Etsy shop is:

Colleen - the AmAzINg Mrs. B, who said... We have "Lulu, Princess Warrior"..she can take on the world, and she thinks she's a big dog - even taking on a pit bull that attcked her little brother, Braxton, the Wal-Mart Greeter of a ShihTzu {he loves to greet anyone and every one on our walks, at the door, anywhere..}

You can follow along on her adventures over at her blog Main Street Memories. I love her profile description: "Pretending to be a normal person day after day can be exhausting, so I don't.."


And a big thank you to everyone who participated!

1 comment:

  1. AHAHHAHAH!!! I'm screaming in my head!! (I'm at the front desk..where they frown on me screaming in the reception room..but make no mistake..I.AM.SCREAMING> with delight! Oh yeah, I da winner, oh yeah, I da winner..

    thank you thank youthankyouthankyou!


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