July 27, 2011

Remembering S.W.A.K. and Snail Mail (and a mini Giveaway)

There may be youngsters out there who don't know what I'm talking about, but does anyone out there still seal envelopes with the affectionate acronym "S.W.A.K."?

Of course we all know that it stands for "Sealed With A Kitty", don't we?

You say you missed out on this ancient custom? Fear not. Now you too can engage in the charming and antiquated practice of writing a card or letter, placing it in an envelope, and sealing it with a kitty.

Introducing three different brand new stickers sets from Susan Faye World Headquarters!

Nature Lover

Bird Brains

The Garden Shed
They are now available in my Etsy shop...just click on an image for more information. Use them on your cards and letters or decorate gifts, notebooks, and scrapbooks. You will receive 3 each of 6 different designs-- a total of 18 high quality stickers for just $5.50! Each die-cut sticker (22mm x 22mm, or 0.86"x 0.86") is printed on thick high quality vinyl with a scratch proof coating. Enjoy!

Giveaway Question: Do you still write cards and letters and send them via snail mail or is this quickly becoming a lost art? Please participate in my Very Scientific Poll in the right hand column of this blog to help us determine the snail mail state of affairs. Once you do, please leave a comment at the end of this post saying "I took the poll" and you will be entered to win your choice of a set of stickers! Three names will be drawn at random on Sunday, July 31 at 9 p.m. Pacific Time.

Thanks for participating!


  1. I'm actually bad at remembering birthday cards, but I've been making an effort to send "thank you" and "thinking of you" cards more often.

    Love the stickers!

  2. Hi Susan, I voted in the poll :-) I send out Christmas and birthday cards in the mail and I am a BIG proponent of thank-you cards. I firmly believe if someone goes to the effort of doing something nice, a thank-you card is definitely in order! It is fun to write cards and I think it is sad that people have stopped. I even use a fountain pen that my father gave me for my 16th birthday to write all my special cards :-)

  3. I voted in the poll! There's at least one birthday card to go out every month, then there are thank you cards, Christmas cards, holiday cards & just because someone may need a fun piece of mail instead of a bill!

  4. We have some relatives who are REALLY afraid that computers are set up as BIG BROTHER and they are going to steal your identity. This happens to be my hubby's older brother-72- who tends toward-high functioning autism- OCD and conspiracy theories. He sends us at least 5-6 birthday cards and remembers all of the cats' birthdays. He sends sizable amounts of $$$ through the mail. He clips things from his local newspaper- in AZ and sends them as you or I might send along a link we think someone might find interesting... I do send him photos and cards to play along... He calls it AMISH email. Every correspondence must be secured by blank white paper wrapped around it... and they must be taped- lest the glue on the envelope gives way. As a matter of fact he is flying in for the week- arrives today. It takes all kinds... We do send BD greetings, holiday cards, thank you notes, notes of cheer, get well soon and sympathy cards- for people and pets... I would most definitely use some S.W.A.K.S. if we should be he lucky winners! : )

  5. I voted. I love to send letters - but my handwriting has diminished! I send mostly send mail art now, and I send it out about once a month to an event or a mail artist. It is fun and rewarding. SWAK to you too. A.

  6. I love sending notes and S.W.A.K. would probably get me sending more!
    Really nice offer - thanks.

  7. I voted too: ) We still occasionally send grandma homemade cards from the kiddos!! They love putting them in the mailbox!!

  8. I don't write letters anymore, but I send envelope with little gift for my blog readers and I love to add more personality to the envelope!

  9. JoAnne DabisJuly 27, 2011

    I started writing letters at about age 9 and as I got older really became involved in pen pals and writing letters to them and to family all the time. I still write letters to various friends nearly every day. Much prefer sending and receiving postal mail to email any day!!

  10. AnonymousJuly 27, 2011

    I voted in the poll. When I send cards and letters I love decorating them with stickers.

  11. I write a lot of letters, am always trying to think of reasons to mail people stuff.
    I LOVE getting mail.

  12. I voted in the poll. I mostly send Birthday and Christmas cards, and the occasional postcard but I have to admit I don't write letters any more!

  13. I spend many happy hours making cards for sale and it would all be a waste of time if no-one bought them, but they do!! Maybe they all just hand them over to the recipients..... or maybe some actually make it to the post box. I love mail in my letterbox so I know I have to do my bit and send some too. Love you new line and hope it a great success (oh, and I voted too.

  14. dana marshallJuly 27, 2011

    i try to mail something out in the mail at least once a week, whether its a letter to my grandmother or mailing a card for a celebration of some sort. i think your stickers are so cute, i took the poll. thanks~

  15. I voted. I don't send as often as I'd like, but I do know that getting a letter or a card in the mail is so much more of a treat than an e-mail, so I try to send often to friends and those who might need a day-brightener.

  16. I took the poll. Usually send snail mail once a month.

  17. I voted :) I miss snail mail, I recently received a long letter from a friend, it was such a treat!

  18. I took the poll! I do still write letters occasionally and love to make actual cards to send out - and decorating the envy is as much fun as making the card!

    Laura in 'bama

  19. I took the poll! I always try to send birthday, anniversary, and thank you cards to my family members. More casual friends will generally get e-wishes, though. For the most part, I do not use e-cards using paid websites because I don't think they're worth the money! It means so much more to receive an actual card. I know I'm always happy to find a card in my mailbox, no matter the reason!

  20. AnonymousJuly 28, 2011

    I voted in the poll :) I am pretty bad at even remembering to send my own Mother a card but I want to get better at it because I feel guilty when someone sends me one and I forget to send them one, but I would like to get better at it. I'm 58 so I'd better change fast! :) I love the BIRD BRAIN stickers the best! ;) It makes it more fun to send cards when you have something to decorate them with ;) JEAN WILLIAMS

  21. "I took the poll"
    I love to surprise the wonderful people in my life by taking the time to mail them a card or note. So sad it has become a lost art.

  22. Oh, that's a poll for me -- sure thing I have already voted. :)

    Actually, this very week I wrote two letters to friends in the USA -- a couple of pages by hand. :) I don't have many penpals anymore, but I still love to write (and receive) letters additionally to emails. I have already enjoyed writing letters and had my first international penpals at age 12 (gosh, my English was limited back then...).

    I am still open to making new friends by email and letter -- I guess I will never stop to do just that. :)

    Thanks for the great poll and for the chance to win a set of your cute stickers!

    Greetings from Germany,

  23. I voted. . . I said once a week, if you average mine out, once a day would be closer! That's because I send out homemade cards of my fat cat Melon to an array of friends and relatives on holidays, including Father's Day and Independence Day. For the big holidays (Easter, Thanksgiving, Halloween) I send out between 50 & 60 cards. . . Christmas is about twice that. I also send cards for other occasions. I still look forward to going to that mail box and hoping to find a personal card or letter!

  24. I'm a new reader...and I voted! I used to send more letters than I do now - my mum loves letters so I ought to make the effort more. But I do enjoy sending handmade cards for birthdays.

  25. "I took the poll"
    I used to have stickers with my old cat on before but I've used them all!

  26. I took the poll. I usually send birthday cards--and write sympathy notes. In college in the late 70s, I wrote at least a letter a day. I was the only one in my dorm who received daily mail.

    ~Emerson's mommie


Thanks for dropping in...I appreciate your comments. It always makes my day!