July 26, 2011

Cat Ladies In The News

Covergirl Candy

It would have been exciting enough to find out that Crazy Cat Lady Carm's beautiful Candy (aka Lady Godiva Candy) is Miss January in the LOLcats I Can Has Cheezburger 2012 calendar. But it's icing on the cake to find out that she is the COVER GIRL! Congratulations to Carm and Candy! Click here to see Carm's winning photo of the party gal. You can purchase your copy of the 18-month calendar here. To see more of Carm's delightful photos of her beautiful brood, be sure to visit her blog.

Tutorial Tuesday

Do you have a tutorial to share? Cat Lady Hannah has a new feature on her beautiful blog called "Tutorial Tuesday". I was honored that my desktop diorama tutorial was the first one to be featured! At the end of each Tutorial Tuesday post is a linky feature that allows you to share your own tutorials from your blog or website-- a great opportunity to get some extra exposure for your own blog, while supporting Hannah's blog-- not to mention sharing great ideas with the artsy-craftsy community! Not Tuesday? Don't worry-- you can link up all week long!

Living Life: Hannah Style

Make a Wish Come True for Angelcat Haven

Cat Ladies Angela and Rose, co-founders of Angelcat Haven,
are always looking for ways to make their rescue kitties more comfy. "Since our cats are free roaming in a community area, Kuranda Cat Towers are on our 'wish list'." Angelcat Haven is participating in a program where cat ladies and lads may make a donation of a Kuranda Cat Tower at discounted prices.

There are many different cat tower sizes and price ranges. They are made of furniture grade PVC and Nylon which is easily washable and sanitizable, unlike carpeted kitty condos which tend to get destroyed easily and also trap dirt and germs.

"The cats will love them and the volunteers will too because there will be less laundry to do! Anyone interested in donating one, please go to www.angelcathaven.com and click on the tower you would like to donate. It will be shipped directly to ACH!"

Kat's Kreations

As mentioned earlier this month, I LOVE the Yamhill Lavender festival where I always meet lots of fun and interesting Cat Ladies and pet lovers, including the vivacious Kat, who is a fellow vendor. She recently lost her beloved fluffmonster Cheddar, a large orange tabby cat that she had rescued. Spying a pair of my earrings that looked like Cheddar (don't you just love that name for a big orange cat?) she suggested a trade. I was delighted.

Kat creates herbal bath and body products from natural, organic ingredients-- her hubby grows most of the botanicals here in the Willamette Valley! I am currently in love with her "Take Me To Tahiti" Face and Body Creme. I've had a flaky damaged spot on my face that would not go away after trying various lotions and potions, but after two weeks of using this creme, it is starting to heal! And it has a heavenly scent with a hint of jasmine. Check out all of her products at her website: Kat's Kreations

Thanks for visiting!

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting post. Congratulations on the features.


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