May 23, 2011

May Showers...


Here in the Pacific Northwest we know that "April showers bring May flowers", but what do May showers bring?

Lots of HOURS for indoor activities like coloring, drawing, and painting...!

If you find yourself with rainy day hours to while away, you might enjoy downloading my free coloring page available at this link: Let's Play!...Free Coloring Page and a Giveaway

You'll also find details about a Giveaway for a $20 gift certificate to my Etsy Shop.

Have fun!


  1. Thanks! I enjoyed visiting your blog and seeing your mermaid illustration!

  2. Neat, a coloring page! You have a much better attitude about May showers than we do here at the Museum!

  3. Lovely image, I really like your colours. Its nice too to see a cheery picture about a rainy day

  4. your arts is it

  5. It's been the rainiest spring on record in NY but your cat illustrations always make me smile.


Thanks for dropping in...I appreciate your comments. It always makes my day!