May 21, 2011

Let's Play!...Free Coloring Page and a Giveaway

Like many of you, my first introduction to the Wonderful World of Art was through coloring books and a box of crayons. The smell of wax still triggers fond memories of endless hours spent filling in black and white outlines with colors of my choice. Was Wilma Flintstone going to have her normal Red Orange hair or would she like to try Goldenrod for a change? Did Huckleberry Hound really want to be go through life being Sky Blue or would he like to try Periwinkle on for size?

Flash forward more than a few decades. My inner child is del
iriously happy that I can now create my very own coloring pages in the comfort of my home-- thanks to my printer/scanner and my computer! I sometimes use these black and white pages when I am working on a new illustration or design to work out color choices. Here's what I do:

First I make a pencil sketch on graph paper (I'm hopeless when it comes to keeping things straight, perpendicular, parallel, etc., so the grid helps me a lot).

Once I'm happy with the drawing, I use tracing paper and a pencil to transfer the design to good quality paper . Next, I carefully draw over my pencil transfer with a Sakura Pigma Micron Pen, and once I'm sure the ink is dry, I erase the pencil lines.

Then I can scan my finished black and white image into my computer. I print copies of it onto heavy paper-- as many as I like! Voila! It's just like having my own coloring book pages.

Now the age-old question: What colors should I use? With my watercolor paints, I try out various colors with quick washes of color.Version A

Sometimes I scan my "paint sketch" back into my computer, then use Adobe Photoshop to add or subtract different colors.

In this version, I used the bucket feature and tried out different shades of blue in the sky...

Version B

Which version do you like better? Tell me in the comments section at the end of this post and you will be entered into a drawing for a $20 gift certificate to my Etsy Shop.Comments will also be accepted at an identical post on The Hive.

Better yet, SHOW me what color combination you like best! Just click on the image below, then click again to enlarge it, then save it to your computer. You might want to use Photoshop to color it in, or you could print it out on paper and use markers, colored pencils, paint, or CRAYONS! Then send me a jpeg image of your color scheme that I can share on this blog (you'll find my email link at If you do, you'll receive a second entry in the giveaway to double your chances!
(Note--you can snap a photo of your colored creation if you don't have a scanner and send it to me that way).

The giveaway will end in one week on Sunday, May 29, when I draw one name at random at 7:00 p.m. PST.

Please make sure that I have a way to contact you if you are the winner, such as a link to your blog or e-mail address (you may send info directly to my email if you don't want to make your contact info public).

If you visit , you will find an email link. Also, if you encounter trouble with the Comments feature, you may send your entry directly to my email .

[Please remember that the coloring page is for personal use and amusement only. May not be used for any commercial purpose or reproduced on the internet.]

Okay, now go get creative! Ready, set, GO!


  1. I love colouring! Thanks!

  2. Oh, it's a bit hard to choose. I like the psychedelic feel of the vibrant colors in A, but I do like how much the cat stands out from his environment in B.

    I like B best, though, since the colors are crisp and solid, which make the whole illustration seem brighter and more focused rather washed out.

    windowfog [at] gmail [dot] com

  3. I like Version A; in Version B the blue wheelbarrow takes the attention away from the cat.

    urchiken at gmail dot com

  4. This is so fun!!! I hope to find some time to do the colouring!
    I prefer version A, because it's more special, more unusual with lovely colours! :)

    Sweet greetings, Saskia :)

  5. `I love the kitties! Version b, b/c I love blue :)

  6. I definitely like the brighter colors in Version B.

  7. I really like B - because of the brighter colour, I am always drawn to bold colour. They both rock though!

  8. I like the richer colors of B. The cat pops out a lot more!

    marija.majerle at gmail dot com

  9. I prefer B it seems to have greater contrast (and it looks more like one of my 5 kitties!)

  10. I prefer version A :)


  11. I prefer Version B! I love coloring and would totally take you up on the challenge, but I do not have a scanner so there's no way I could upload my image to send you :(
    Thanks for the giveaway though

  12. Amber--if you have a camera, you could snap a picture of it to send...hope you do!

  13. I am partial to Version A :) Also, I'm going to try and color in the page later tonight and see what I come up with! :)

    Here's my email in case you need it for me to possibly win:


  14. I love version B because the pretty colors seem to really pop out more, and also the mischievous look on the kitty's face is funny.
    jhbalvin at gmail dot com

  15. I love version B! I think the blue wheelbarrow is so cute & compliments the kitty perfectly. Thank you for the opportunity!

  16. I love Version A...its lovely!

  17. "B", snagging the coloring page to send to my daughter,
    THANK YOU :)

  18. I like version B because it has brighter colours.

    unforgetable_dreamer_always (at) hotmail (com)

  19. AnonymousMay 22, 2011

    Version B is my fav. Love the name of your blog!

  20. Just found your bog. Lovely! I like version B. Maybe because I have a cat that looks like that or maybe I like the color combinations better. It just seems to pop for me. The cat in version a is a cutie but doesn't stand out as much as in version b. Looking forward to seeing more artwork.

  21. Thanks for your tips, I love it when other artists share what works for them and I love your colouring page!
    Which of your coloured works do i like best - I love that each has its own special qualities and to be honest, i like them both for different reasons! I like the gentleness of the hand painted one and the fun and strength of the digital one.

  22. PS should I be so lucky as to win... fingers & toes crossed... you can get me at

  23. Hi!
    Very hard decision.. Well I think both cards look fabulous but my choice is Version A.
    I love use digi stamps and coloring book page to do my cards.
    Thanks for the chance to win.
    Good Luck!

  24. Version B.

    mrs.marcus2 at yahoo dot com

  25. AnonymousMay 24, 2011

    i like the first one better cause its handdrawn not comp

  26. AnonymousMay 24, 2011

    I like version B, with the brighter colors
    great work!!
    robinlscott4 at hotmail dot com

  27. I like version A, but the cat stands out better in B.
    skklemm at gmail dot com

  28. AnonymousMay 25, 2011

    I like version B. The colours look so much better and defined.
    lipglossfiendwordpress at gmail dot com

  29. hehe...i love your rabbit designs. They're so cute. I love the one knitting. They remind me of my pet rabbit, Toby. She's always hopping about as I'm crafting away. If only she could sit right next to me and knit alonq.
    ...le sigh...
    I like version A. I like the bright pink and green color scheme.

  30. I like the blue sky in version B!

  31. Definitely version B!

    And i've just e-mailed you my version.

    Thank you

  32. Thanks Gio! This qualifies you for an extra entry in the giveaway :-)

  33. I like version B the best. The colors are a bit crisper. Both are nice, though. :)

    pd6914 at gmail dot com

  34. I like version B..not sure just spoke LOUDER to me!

  35. I think I like version B best...the darker kitty and blue sky just look so good together :)


  36. AnonymousMay 27, 2011

    like both but prefer A...i like the groovy colors :)

  37. I like version B. Blue sky gives it something extra. Great artwork.

  38. I like version A with it's richer colors and blue spotted cat! Cheers!

  39. I definitely like version B the best since the Kitty stands out and I am a Kitty person. The colors are very nice too!

  40. Thanks for your submission Moonsword! This qualifies you for an extra entry in the giveaway :-)

  41. JeanHeidiMay 28, 2011

    Well, I am a blue person so the one with the blue bucket caught my eye but then again the colors in the other pic were very stimulating to the eye also, they both are very pretty but since I love blue I am going with the blue bucket. That was a tough decision though, usually I can pick really easy but this one threw me with both colors being awesome!

  42. I like B best. :) As for the colouring, I found my stash of art supplies sadly lacking, but I still enjoyed colouring all the same - thanks for the download! You can see my attempt and read about it here:

    ~ Laura (Moags)

  43. syLove your work! I prefer B as I love the colors. I came in too late to participate in coloring, so do it again! Great idea!

  44. I love the second one with the blue sky! So pretty! And fun idea!!


Thanks for dropping in...I appreciate your comments. It always makes my day!