October 21, 2010

What's Blooming This Week at World Headquarters..Late Bloomer Edition

Last week it was Joe-the-Every-Day-Is-A Holiday cactus (above) who was bustin' out in full bloom. This week, it is Joe Junior (below). He started out life as a mishap when Joe Senior was being moved around and lost a sprig or two...Joe Junior is one of those sprigs. Just look at him now!

And pictured below is my absolute favorite house plant--it is a streptocarpus, a relative of the African Violet and sometimes called a "Cape Primrose". Lucky for me, they seem to thrive on neglect and they have spectacular blooms several times a year. They are a little hard to find, but well worth searching out...I have several different colors from a deep rosy pink to a periwinkle blue.

I'm SO happy to still have some bloomers this far into autumn! Let's hear it for late bloomers!!!

And here are the latest new creations that have just bloomed in my Etsy shop:

Four new catnip toy designs:

The long-awaited Himalayan pendants:

New dangle earrings featuring
a fluffy orange tabby and a Himmy:

And lots of new mini earrings...
Click on any of the product images to be magically transported to my Etsy shop. I'd love to hear any feedback you have in the comments section at the end of this post. Thanks for visiting!

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