October 27, 2010

Cat Ladies In The News--Pumpkin Madness

There is no denying that Cat Lady Jennifer has a passion for pumpkins. You may remember Pumpkin Pie, her spunky pumpkin-colored kitty who is fascinated with bees:

Jennifer, an extremely talented artist who specializes in horses and Halloween, describes her pumpkin passion: "I love to carve them, photograph them, take wagon rides to pick them and eat yummy pumpkiny treats (yes, I even bought pumpkin pie Pop Tarts). I have tried to grow them but the squirrels nibbled at the squash all summer long. I love pumpkins so much my local newspaper came out to write a story about me:"
A Passion For Pumpkins

Need a little inspiration for your own pumpkin carving this week? Take a look at Jennifer's extraordinary pumpkin carvings at her beautiful blogs:

Thanks for visiting!


  1. Hi Susan, Cat Lady Jennifer's pumpkins are amazing! WOW! What a stunning pumpkin she carves. And, I like your tribute to her pumpkins and pumpkin pie!

  2. Yes, I love Jennifer's creativity. I particularly like her Painted Ponies and horse art!


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