September 2, 2010

Art Appreciation 101

It's back to school time and what could be more important than a lesson in art appreciation? Crazy Cat Lady Carm (who happens to be a retired school teacher) has a house full of cats who are obviously well-versed in the appreciation of the arts.

When Carm recently received a matted print from me as a blog giveaway prize, her seven kitties gave it a careful evaluation:

Pride liked the fact that the kitty in the print bore a striking resemblance to his own magnificent coloring and thinks the sunflower looks just like the one outside the window, which you can see here: Carm and Randy's sunflower ...

All photos courtesy of Carm... To see the rest of Carm's great photos, visit her blog Crazy Cat Lady Carm

Thanks for visiting!!

Do you have a photo of you or your pets enjoying something you have purchased from my Etsy or Cafepress shops? I'd love to see them, and with your permission, post them here on my blog! Send them to my email: art [at]

1 comment:

  1. I totally love your blog!! Its really awesome. I posted the link on my Facebook Page!


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