August 31, 2010

News From World Headquarters

Tomorrow is SEPTEMBER FIRST, you say?
Surely you are mistaken.

As you may already know, I took some time off from doing custom portraits
during July and August in order to work on some special projects.

In June I made a list of 10-12 things I wanted to accomplish during the wealth of free time that I envisioned over the eight weeks.
Realizing last week that August was slipping by at breakneck speed, I thought it might be a good idea to check the list. I discovered that only two items could be crossed off. Does it count that quite a few projects were HALF finished? {{sigh}}

In the mean time, thank you to everyone who has written to me regarding custom orders. Although I have not been able to respond to everyone yet, I will start doing so tomorrow. It may take me a day or two to respond to everyone, as I have a business meeting in Portland tomorrow [see Very Exciting News below], but rest assured that if you have sent me an Etsy convo or an email, I have already added your name to my list for portraits.

I will start adding listings for custom portraits to my Etsy shop tomorrow but if you don't see what you want, just write to me and I'll make a custom listing for you over the next few days.

Very Exciting News: Tomorrow I have a special opportunity to meet with a number of buyers from the Portland area (thank you Etsy!) in the hopes of establishing some wholesale accounts!

A gal might get a bit overwhelmed under such circumstances, but lucky for me, my studio assistant Buttonwillow was at my side today helping with a photo shoot. She loves to arrange the merchandise in creative ways and takes her job very seriously...

This one needs to go over to the left just a smidge, don't you think?

Okay. Picture Purrfect!

Thanks for visiting!


  1. The best of luck to you for your business meeting ~ I hope all goes well with acquiring some wholesale accounts! Good for you Susan Faye!

    And you are so lucky to have such a sweet helper! :)

    xo Catherine

  2. Happy to hear that you will start your custom portraits again! Buttonwillow- NICE JOB!

  3. Thank you for showing us Buttonwillow at work. My guys are always helping me quilt, usually by holding the fabric in place as I sew. I guess having assistants with built-in seam rippers is a plus. Love your stuff. pdd

  4. Your pendants are just gorgeous! I'm sure the photo shoot went well, expecially with Buttonwillow helping :-)

  5. haha Plaka--I never considered that Buttonwillow could be my official seam ripper! No need to buy one of those expensive office paper shredders, either...

  6. Susan Faye is featured on our blog today! Please come say HI and tell her how much you love her and how thankful you are for her artwork!!!


Thanks for dropping in...I appreciate your comments. It always makes my day!