July 24, 2010

Remembering Old Friends--Part 3

It was with heavy hearts but many happy memories that Crazy Cat Lady Carm, Feline Fella Randy, and the 8GR8CATS had to say goodbye to their beloved Puff-Kitty Silhouette a few weeks ago.

"Her loss leaves such an emptiness in us as her constant presence over the last 12- almost 13- years filled our days with love," says Carm. The very first of the Eight Great Cats, Puffy was a stray that suddenly appeared on the back doorstep of Carm and Randy one fateful October night and charmed her way into their lives. "Being a solid black-colored cat, only her peridot-colored eyes would shine in the night as she made plaintive pleas to let her come in so that we could become her PURRsons...Puffy worked her black feline magic and opened our hearts and the door to our home!"

Here is a beautiful poem that Carm wrote about Puff-Kitty Silhouette a few years ago and is a beautiful tribute to a beautiful cat who converted two beautiful people into devoted Feline Fanatics! (reprinted with permission of the author)


Black silken fur and peridot eyes
My angel wears a spooky disguise

A purr like a motor, a meow that's so sweet
She greets me in earnest each time that we meet

I shall never forget that cold wintry day
That I fell in love with a thin matted stray

I opened the door, she opened my heart
It was clear from that moment, we never will part

Black silken fur and peridot eyes
I gave her my heart and what a surprise

A friend for a life time, a love that's so rare
Devotion forever if only I'd care

I shall never forget that cold wintry day
That I fell in love with a thin matted stray

I opened the door, she opened my heart
It was clear from that moment we never will part

Perched on a window to watch the sun set
A perfect black outline, my sweet Silhouette.

See photos and learn more about Puff-Kitty here: Thankful For Puff-Kitty Silhouette

Thanks for visiting!

1 comment:

  1. What a loving tribute to a very special ladycat! The poem is very touching, even moreso now that Puffy is gone.

    Susan Faye has immortalized Puffy in her art, along with all the other 8GR8s -- which they will always be, thanks to her.


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