July 23, 2010

Recently Hatched...

Drumroll please...

Introducing my brand new website:

After a year or two of trying to fit up to five different websites and links on my tiny business cards (there's only so much you can fit onto 2 x 3.5 inches and still have it readable...), it was my fondest desire to have a single website address. I further dreamed of a website that was cute and simple to use; a directory containing all of those links in one place.

To my delight, Cat Lady Sarah (aka The Grape Lady) recently came to the rescue!

In addition to being a Crazy Cat Lady and Wildlife Mom (be sure to check out her blog The Raccoon Chronicles for some insanely cute photos), Sarah is a talented website designer. You can see more of her work here: Sarah Hunt Photography & Design

It was a fun collaboration and she is creative, speedy, and easy to work with!
Here is the happy result:

To celebrate, I'm having a special offer in my Etsy Shop this weekend. With any purchase you will receive a free catnip toy of your choice (limit one freebie per household). Just be sure to visit the new website, enjoy clicking on all of the links, then see if anything tickles your fancy in my Etsy Shop. If you do make a purchase, just add the code "catnip toy" in the "note to seller" when checking out and specify which catnip toy you would like if you have a preference.

If you have any questions at all, it's VERY easy to contact me now. Just visit the website and click on that little birdie with the envelope!!!

Thanks for visiting!


  1. are you going to incorporate your blog onto your new website too?


  2. ...so far I just have a link to 365 Cat Ladies on the new home page. I haven't decided yet whether to include my other blog, since I don't post on it very often...

  3. The new website looks awesome!


Thanks for dropping in...I appreciate your comments. It always makes my day!