May 13, 2010

Cat Ladies In The News

Not only will Cat Lady Karen (aka the Food Lady) be running in the Bay to Breakers race in San Francisco this weekend, she will also be walking 60 miles with Cat Lady Roberta this October for Breast Cancer awareness.

Please join me in supporting Karen and the Blogger Babes for Boobies as they participate in the Susan G. Komen 3-Day For The Cure Walk. You can either make a monetary donation, become a team member, send inspiring words of encouragement, or all three! A blog documenting Karen's training (including stunning photos of the flora and fauna she encounters on the trail) and a link for donations is here: 60 Miles for Boobies

Help Karen reach her goal of raising $2300 for the cure!


  1. Thanks SO MUCH Susan!!!! I really appreciate you broadcasting this! And of course, if you want to come down and join our team, you're very welcome to do so...!

    On an unrelated subject, did you see that there will be a BlogPaws West in Denver on Sep 9-11? I would love to see you there.

  2. You are welcome, Karen. Thanks for the inspiration! And yes, I'm already signed up for BlogPaws West. Will Flat Skeezix be there?


Thanks for dropping in...I appreciate your comments. It always makes my day!