May 14, 2010

Buttonwillow's Dream Job...and a Giveaway!!

As if it weren't enough that Buttonwillow already has TWO careers...

as a studio assistant...

...and as a fireplace tester...

...her longtime dream is to become an artist's model.
can help turn her dream into a reality!

She recently posed for a new painting to be called "Still Life with Bicolor Cat". Please help us pick which version to paint:

Pose A

Pose B

or Pose C

Please vote by entering your preference in the Comments section below. Voting will end Friday, May 28, at 7:00 PST and I will paint the version with the most votes, showing the step-by-step process in future blog posts.

And here's the good part: Each person who votes will be entered into a drawing for a chance to win one of three prizes featuring my brand new Crazy Cat Lady design: A blank book/journal ($10.99 value); a magnet ($4.49 value); or a ceramic tile coaster ($6.50 value). Three names will be d
rawn at random on May 28 and items can be shipped to anywhere in the world.

That's right, you have three chances to win! So what are you waiting for? Please help make Buttonwillow's dream come true!

Please make sure that I have a way to contact you in case you are a lucky winner, such as a link to your blog or e-mail address included in the comment.

[Editors note 7/22: Forgot to mention this giveaway is open to everyone worldwide, and will mail winning pendant anywhere in the world that has a postal address.]

Also, if you encounter trouble with the Comments feature, please contact me by e-mail --you'll find a link under my Profile

Thanks for visiting!


  1. As a Studio Assistant, of course!!! I vote for this x 1000!!! Kat Kirby

  2. AnonymousMay 14, 2010

    I vote for Pose B.

  3. I like C! C-razy C-atlady C-arm

  4. Gotta love Pose B!

    What a beautiful girl!

  5. You, my dear are a riot. What will you think of next? I really like pose a, b & c. However, If I HAD to choose, I would pick pose C

  6. Pose B - they are all cute, but as a painting I think B would make the nicest.

  7. pose B of your lovely cat. and by the way-our own Willamina library cat was featured in Cat Fancy Nov 08 and the article won a big prize earlier this year. How about doing something with Agie who has been at the library over 11 years?

  8. AnonymousMay 14, 2010

    ButtonWillow is a natural! It's a tough decision, but I think B has such a great expression. I love all of your work.

  9. I like the poses testing the fireplace best

    but if must choose between A,B,C:

  10. Pose B--without a doubt. Although she looks 'professional' in all poses but we definatly like B.

  11. I'm partial to pose B. Very cute!

  12. I'm partial to pose C. Don't know why. Just like it a lot.

  13. Pose C because I like the birdies in the picture too.

  14. Pose B - what gorgeous pictures.

  15. Poze B fur me! Can't wate to see the final produkt!

  16. I'm between A and B. In C she just looks too angry. Plus it is such a straightforward shot compared to the other two.
    I love how she is looking away all aloof in pose A but I guess the smelling of the leaves wins me over.

  17. I am for B. She has that curious cat expression on her lovely face ;)

  18. I like B Susan! Think you could do alot with that pose - happy day!

  19. All are adorable, but my favorite pose is "B". I'm looking forward to seeing it develop!

  20. Buttonwillow's personailty really shines in pose B -- that's the one that gets my vote!

  21. Pose B for me. Deb =^..^=x6

  22. definitely: POSE B !!! Tamayo-the-cat wanted to enter the contest too, but he agreed to combine our votes into one fabulous choice! Let's hear it for B!!!

  23. Pose B! but I also like C.

  24. First choice -- C
    Second choice -- B

    Beautiful kitty!

  25. I just absolutely love Pose B! So cute!

    You can reach me at jennifer(at)jlynnpro(dot)com.


  26. Pose B. She looks so crazy, but oh so fun.

  27. Hi! I love Pose B! All the photos are adorable, but I like action and Pose B gets my vote for that reason. Beautiful cat, by the way!

  28. I love pose B. It remeinds me of my cats. I love the look on the cats face!

  29. Valerie BurnetteMay 27, 2010

    Pose A is a more "still life" type pose that has that pensive quality to engender introspection. Our tuxedo cats often look as if they are merely observing the world around without being a part of it.

  30. I am a fan of pose A. And Pico, who is an expert on poses himself also finds that one most interesting. Do we get to give two votes? =)

  31. Pose C. I like the fact that ButtonWillow has rearragned the tulips so that the one trending to the right balances her pose to the left. Very artistic.

  32. Pose C - wonderful composition! And you can see Buttonwillow's face! Actually the first photo - where she is an artist's asst if the best, but....

    Alison CCL # 333

  33. let it be B please! :)


Thanks for dropping in...I appreciate your comments. It always makes my day!