March 3, 2010

When Guys Do Good

Gift-giving can sometimes be a complicated and dangerous mine field for men, particularly on occasions when expectations might run high, for example, on Valentines Day. That's why we always want to applaud our guys when they get it right.

When customer David V. contacted me about a surprise portrait for his sweetheart Nancy, he asked to include her son Alex, and their two canine cuties, Jordy and Max. There was a question about it arriving in time for Valentines Day, so being the model customer, he said that there was no pressure; it would make a lovely Easter gift if need be.

The portrait got done in the nick of time and was mailed out by priority mail, but alas, the Big Blizzard arrived back East, and what should have taken 3 days to arrive, took a full week.

David explains: "The portrait did arrive on the 15th but I was able to show my sweetie the [computer] image you sent of the final product and she was thrilled to say the least...she immediately made it her facebook and IM profile pic and got a ton of comments about it including something like 'The man did good Nancy, he did real good'.

"When I got the painting in the mail and brought it to her we had a great time trying to figure out where to display it. It currently resides in her dining room and looks great!"

David, a freelance web designer recently created a beautiful pro-bono site for Feline Urban Rescue which serves the Washington D.C. metropolitan area.

I think we all agree with Nancy's friend:

You did good David, you did real good!

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