March 7, 2010

More Prototypes, A Favorite Book, and Another Giveaway!

Here is another peek at what Old Necchi (my ancient Italian sewing machine) and I have been up to:

Soft sculpture kitty bookmarks!
Each cat measures 3" tall, and there is a tiny gold heart charm at the other end of the ribbon, but here is where more market research and your opinion come in:

I have found there is a wide variation in the length of ribbon bookmarks that are available, usually anywhere from 6 inches to 12 inches.

Today's burning question is:
What is the ideal length for a bookmark?

Please leave your answer in the Comments section of this post. The giveaway will end Wednesday night at 7 p.m. when I will choose 6 names (that's SIX lucky winners folks, the odds are in your favor) at random from this post and my Facebook page and each winner will receive one of these prototypes! [Bear in mind that there are slight variations in the prototypes and they may vary slightly from the photos...]

Please make sure that I have a way to contact you if you are the winner, such as a link to your blog or e-mail address included in the comment.

Also, if you encounter trouble with the Comments feature, please contact me by e-mail --you'll find a link under my Profile

By the way, don't you just LOVE this book? It's one of my treasures! It's called HANDS AND THEIR CONSTRUCTION by Victor Perard and was published in 1940. Each page is filled with gorgeous line drawings of hands of every kind imaginable, plus anatomical lessons too!


  1. What adorable bookmarks will they be available to purchase. When I have crocheted them in the past I left the tail around 8-10 inches

  2. THIS is exciting! I prefer a wider bookmark - perhaps one inch. As for length - perhaps 9" or so. Or - for marketing, perhaps packs of two, one about 8", one 9" or 9l.5". Paperbacks are so popular and now some larger books are published in paper too. I SO love your kitties!!

  3. Returning to the computer with tape measure in hand, I can report that the vast majority of my hardback books/special soft backs are 10 inches, +/- 1/2 inch. Of course, mass market paperbacks are less, so I would consider a length close to 12 inches for the bookmarks. I would be concerned that the pretty heart treasures would leave indentations in the pages (and not be visible for enjoyment) if the marks were shorter. Love that Book of Hands!
    Love, Plompterosis of Mac

  4. 10 inches for hardback

  5. I love collecting bookmarks... and cats for that matter ;) Yours are adorable!

    I think a good length for a bookmark in the style you are creating is 10 inches.

    Please enter me in your contest - thanks!


  6. omg! these are sooo cute! I think 10 inches is just right :) I hope I win :D

  7. Halfway is ten inches, but I say make it nine inches for nine lives. And also because I'm not supposed to agree with so many humans at once when I feel like it by (cat) law.

  8. When I make a book mark whether it be of card stock, board or ribbon I shoot for about 6-8 inches.

    They work for hardcovers...BUT also work for paperbacks without getting caught on stuff in one's handbag :)


  9. I LOVE these...especially the colorful spotted one! =^..^=
    I think 9" is a good size.

  10. ADORABLE bookmarks, which, ideally, should be 12 inches long!

    skkorman AT bellsouth DOT net

  11. I would say 9 or 10 inches - that way, it's long enough for a hardback, a larger paperback, but not WAYYY too long for a regular paperback :o) They are super cute, by the way!

  12. These are just gorgeous - what a clever idea. I just love book marks and use them all the time and once I have completed a book I often leave the bookmark in the book so I "re-discover" it later!!


Thanks for dropping in...I appreciate your comments. It always makes my day!