March 17, 2010

A Spring Celebration Giveaway!

Question: If your cat had a profession
what would it be?

Would he or she be an aviator like Miles?

Or a motorcycle mechanic?

Perhaps an ornithologist?

...a fashionista blogger?

Or a blogging fashionista?

Based on your favorite feline's characteristics and special qualities, tell us in 50 words or less what his or her profession might be in the comments section of this post. (One entry per person, please).

Each person who leaves a comment will be entered into a drawing to be held on March 31. At 7 p.m. PST on that day, one name will be drawn at random and the winner will win an ORIGINAL, custom portrait of their one favorite cat portrayed in their chosen profession! It will be a 4.5 x 6.5 inch artwork matted to 11 x 14 inches ( a $45.00 value).

Please make sure that I have a way to contact you if you are the winner, such as a link to your blog or e-mail address included in the comment.

Also, if you encounter trouble with the Comments feature, please contact me by e-mail --you'll find a link under my Profile

Thanks for participating!


  1. My tuxie boy Capriccio is always the first to try to get to know any new foster kitties that come into the house - I think of him as the neighborhood greeter. So he'd be perfect as a Welcome Wagon host.

  2. My Rowdy is always pouncing on the other kitties and us. He would be the perfect drukk sargent. He makes sure the others on on their toes and keeps them in shape. We always get reminded on feeding time and he wakes us up.

  3. Our first cat, Casey, would be my husband's personal valet. He's a tuxedo kitty so he's already wearing the uniform. He makes sure my husband's towel is at hand when he gets out of the shower. He escorts him throughout the house, so he is always on hand if my husband has any needs. He supervises the making of Earl Grey tea every night.

  4. Being a cat IS a profession! One I happen to be quite good at it.

    But my sister Patches is most definitely a ballet dancer. She'll dance on command for her favorite human, well maybe only when she wants to eat and the human has the can in hand.

  5. My Olivia, is the best at checking out the bed mattress. She knows when the bed is turned on and is there as soon as it is warm. She is a bed hog and barely moves over when I try to find my space.

  6. My kitten Athena would be a perfect deejay! one of her favorite games is stepping on the buttons of my clock radio, turning the songs on and off - and has been known to race across the room to turn off songs she doesn't care for. ;)

  7. We call our cat "The Sheriff". I almost bought him a tiny badge once, but alas he refuses to wear his uniform so has nowhere to pin it. He oversees every detail of the goings on around the house, especially every move our other cat makes. He doesn't hesitate to step in if she does something wrong. He's actually quite annoying about the whole thing, but he doesn't see it that way. I think he feels it's his job to make sure everything runs in perfect order.

    Sorry I know I went over 50 words. Ugh.

  8. My cat Halo is the best face washer, he licks mine then his....and thn we can run faces.xoxo

  9. Ruby would be a spy - she is often found spying on something or someone, followed by the attack. As for Charlie (Miss Grumpy at the moment) - a prim headmistress of a school.

  10. When you get back, pick up a Sunshine Award at my blog at

  11. Hi, I'm Katie. I have an aptitude for a variety of careers... pole dancing, maid & laundry service, home inspection, editorial columnist, to name a few. Really I’m most comfortable living the life of a socialite. i.e. I really don't do anything,, but my fans follow my every move.

    - "Katie"
    from GLOGIRLY - Tails Of A Cat And Her Girl

  12. It is hard to pick only one and choose his/her profession by personality. The most obvious in my household would be Harry as a structural engineer. He is always checking out the duct work, or framing in the basement. He climbs up in the rafters to investigate and take measurements. Occasionally, he will climb the screens on the windows to make sure that they are level. He even attempted to climb the brick fireplace once.


  13. Hemi, seal point Himmy, would be a Police Officer! She's known as the "fun police" around here and anytime one of the other kitties are playing she just has to give them the look and they stop! If they don't stop, she gives them a slappin'!

  14. My black one-eyed boy cat, Cap'n Jack, is best as a lap tester. Any time I'm sitting down, sewing, reading, computer, etc., he is right there making sure that my lap is the proper height and comfort lever. Since he was injured as a young kitty, his purr is more of a bubble so if I hear a perking sound, I know my lap is up to spec.

  15. Our blue classic tabby Maine Coon Boy Lord Thomas Milton would be a florist/gift basket designer and an oPURRa Singer too! I have some photos of him in action!

  16. Our new cat Pumpkin would definately be a bee keeper! Every morning he cries to go outside. If the weather is nice I'll let him out and he darts out the back door, quick as a flash, and chases bees. It's so funny to watch him leaping and jumping around the yard like a happy child!

  17. Enza, who just turned 10 years old is a professional food critic. She presides in the kitchen always asking for samples of everything.

  18. My sweet black kitty, LeeLou, would definitely work at a bakery. She spends hours practicing her kneading technique - in my lap, in the bed, on the couch even on the porch furniture.
    Her sister, ZuZu, is a well known big game hunter. She proudly brings us moles, lizards, birds and once a snake.

  19. And then there is Aggie. Aggie is a beautiful grey 8 year old spayed former feral cat. She is truly a punk. Nothing pleases her more than to make another cat say "UNCLE!"
    She also likes to play queen of the bed. She has her side, but if another cat won't try to get too close, she will run them off the other side of the bed too.

  20. My youngest, Jade, would be a thug. She does random drive-by face smacks on my other cats, she steals clothing, she bites me & hisses for no reason. She believes that everything in the house is hers. Yet she was the sweetest thing when she first came into my life. 10 ounces of furry fury!

  21. Our cat Bear has always been into Security, patrolling the yard when he used to go outside and now checking out all noises and strange activity inside the house. I think he would be most happy as a major domo on some estate, ala Higgins from the old Magnum P.I. shows.

  22. My orange tabby cat Cecil would be a comedian and have his own comedy show on TV. He is very silly, and funny and likes to do goofy things just to make people laugh and shake their heads and say... "OH THAT CECIL!" He's a character!
    Rose Cat lady 338

  23. I'm officially in love with your work b/c I am legitimate crazy cat lady! I'm gonna give you the scoop on both my guys b/c they've got tons of character!

    Mish would be a photographer, probably a fashion photographer, really. He's always by my side for every blog-related photo shoot, and he can hold perfectly still when the need arises. He's a gorgeous little fellow and as serious as they come. He loves the camera, and now that I think about it, maybe he's really a fashion model...? He's tre chic!

    Rosco is the class clown all the way. He's the guy that falls all the time and makes everybody laugh. I have to say that I think he'd have to be the next big star on Saturday Night Live!


  24. My kitty Talia would be a princess due to her haughty and damsel in distress nature.

  25. My cat Gwen would be a great security guard. When anyone even makes the smallest sound from the neighbors across the hall from us she growls and if someone tries to get in our building she lets us know something isn't right!

  26. It is so hard to pick with so many but I would say Garfield would be a
    Concierge. Every new cat that we get
    he shows them all around the house. He takes them to the food dishes, the water and even the litter boxes. After the tour he tries to introduce them to the rest of the tribe. He has been doing this for 15 years. He was a stray so maybe that is where it comes from but it is cute.

  27. Well, me and my other half have often discussed the cats treat our house like a hotel and we should send them out to work!
    Our late Molly, a big, fluffy, ginger tom (called Molly because I thought he was a girl when he was born!), we thought he should be a tennis coach... not sure why, but was often said this.
    Gizy, our slender ginger cat, and mum of Molly, often used to sit in the car when we were cleaning it, so we thought she mght like to learnt o drive and become a long distance lorry driver!
    Only last night, before I saw this blog, we were discussing Tilly, our black and white fluffy tearaway. She has a liking for heights, and in our last two storey house she would sit on the roof at the very top and watch the world go by.... so she would have to be a steeplejack!
    I'm so glad we aren't the only people that make up jobs for our cats!

  28. My avatar is my cat JD who for me was the wisest and smartest cat I've ever had come to live with me. I rescued JD from an abusive home when he was 4 months old and he lived to be 12 yrs. He did things to tease me and seemed to understand my words. He once used his paw to wipe away the moisture on a sliding glass door so he could see out. He always sat with one front leg hanging down like a big African cat. He learned to ring the bell hanging on the front door knob for my say that he wanted to go outside. He's gone to the Rainbow Bridge now, but I often hear his soft purrs and feel his presence. He loved to sit by my PC when I worked, so I see him as a my office manager overseeing my art business.

  29. My tabby boy Free Ranger is a born explorer. Move over Lewis & Clark, here comes Free! His idea of a good time is an extended visit to the garage, making note to any changes to the terrain, followed by an extended nap.

  30. My Micia would definitely be a food taster. She always wants to taste anything that's in my plate - you know, just to make sure it's safe for me to eat it!!!

  31. At the SOS Cat Sanctuary, I care for over 40 cats, so choosing one is really difficult! Squeaky Fromm is an all-white kitty who also happens to be a Reiki Master! She likes to "work" on human problem areas of the body. She concentrates on the area in question and meditates deeply as she gives therapeutic massage, along with the occasional acupuncture treatment.

  32. Porkchop is our security supervisor. He checks all visitors and their credentials. He secures each door at night and then acts as bed troll getting the other animals off the bed. I tell them by name and he chases each off of the bed in turn, including my husband!


Thanks for dropping in...I appreciate your comments. It always makes my day!