March 15, 2010

If Miles Had Wings...

Does your cat dream of flight? Miles the Cat does. When he dreams of having wings, this is the kind he'd like to have:

Cat Lady Sarah tells us the story of Miles and how he came to live with Sarah and Corey and why he has a passion for biplanes:

"Our friend had been watching after and feeding a couple strays outside, and one had a litter. She found homes for everyone but Miles (can you believe it??). So we just went to 'look' at him. Instantly we fell in love and took him home (and his mom was fixed shortly afterward).

"When we sit around in the evening, we like to talk about our cats and what they might like to do had cats been given a broader range of options in life. Like, what jobs they would hold, where they might like to travel, and which vehicles they would be most apt to operate.

"I like to think of Miles flying a biplane because a) he is rather large so he would fit snugly in the seat, b) he yearns to be high up, but his "stature" is a bit prohibitive (i.e. he cannot reach the top of our highest bookcase), and c) I think he prefers classic technology to the new-fangled variety. Plus, he'd just look so cute in one! (He is currently on a diet and has lost some weight - but I think he will always just be a big boy!)

"Miles has two brothers and a sister. If Miles were not flying a biplane, he'd be in the sidecar of his younger brother Marty's motorcycle, for sure. His brother Marty might hold a job as a feline cannonball, while Miles would probably be the big fuzzy mascot for a small town sports team. His sister Stella would be a librarian, and she would drive a sensible sedan, perhaps a Subaru. Miles' oldest brother Pinot Grigio would hold a job as an accountant, as the green visor would bring out his green eyes, and he likes peace and quiet. And if he's as careful with math as he is about his personal hygiene, he'd be great at it.

"... They are all rescues, and four is the magic number for us...Stella was adopted from Centre County Paws which helps homeless animals in our area.

"When we're not hanging out with our cats, we both work in the human services. I will be graduating in May as a Speech-Language Pathologist, and Corey will be starting school in the fall for Rehabilitation Counseling. I will be working with kids in the schools, and Corey wants to work with adults who have HIV/AIDS and other disabilities. She currently works as a counselor at a domestic violence/sexual assault shelter."

Oh, by the way, you can't see it in the picture above, but Miles has a sky-writing biplane and the message today says:

1 comment:

  1. That is so cute! I'm going to have to think of our cats' "professions" in their alternate lives....


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